In case any of you misunderstood, by “Last Chapter”, Namonaki meant last Chrno Crusade chapter. The chapter for tonight (since, technically, the Chrno Crusade chapter was for yesterday night) will be delayed until tomorrow. As Yuumei puts it: “Hello everyone! Due to some minor set backs, we were unable to release a chapter today. To make it up to you, we have a special treat for tomorrow. Its a SUPER DUPER RELEASE!! Aren’t you excited? Stay posted and look for it tomorrow! Thanks~” Also, interesting tidbit: Yuumei enjoys pina coladas…
Read MoreAuthor: BakaOne
“There is no sin except stupidity.”
Yes, we know it’s been a while since the Gantz raw has come out. No, we have not dropped Gantz. Yes, it’s going to come out eventually. And so is chapter 242. So please do yourself a favour, stop asking, and stop getting yourselves banned. Knowing what’s holding up the scanlation is not going to make it faster in any way. If we need help, we’ll request help. Until then, just wait. This applies to all of our other projects. Also, if you think you can help in any way,…
Read MoreFinally Completed
It’s finally here. To coincide with the arrival of Gantz Phase II is our new layout, designed and created by Deus_Gear, with the exception of the pretty banner above which Namonaki has created to replace our old “Nos Es Illustrator” logo and to fit the overall look of the rest of the site. As you can see, the new site contains 30000% more colours than the last version, and there is a lot less gray going around. Most of the site is under construction and still being worked on, so…
Read MoreStuff, stuff stuff….
If you haven’t gotten a reply for your application/test attempt and you have applied before September, chances are that you’ve failed and we neglected to tell you. So my apologies to anyone who spent nights waiting for a reply. Or, on the off chance, we weren’t in dire need of staff and were only accepting highly skilled applicants… There are also a few of you who were passed over since there was confusion regarding exactly WHO was handling applications during some staff shuffling. Regardless, from now on, we will notify…
Read MoreIf elected, I promise to lower taxes and legalize marijuana…
Bleh. I feel like a politician. Anyways, none of my prior statements have come true yet, and I have a feeling some of them never will. The Gantz Manual and the HQ volumes of Gantz are still in the works, although I’m not entirely sure of their respective statuses. The layout I promised three months or so ago hasn’t come up yet, but with our old gears finally in motion again, I’m sure it’s not that far behind. Also, the layout will not be done by illiteracy, but by our…
Read MorePhase One: Complete. Initiating Phase Two…
As you may have already heard, Gantz Phase 1 has ended with chapter 237. This means no Gantz chapter next week, the week after that, or for the next couple of months. Phase 2 will be beginning sometime in November- more specifically- The sixteenth. So you’ll have to live with that cliff hanger for a while longer. Of course, even with this announcement on our front page, I’m completely sure that at least a couple of people will still come onto IRC and pester us with questions of “wat happned…
Read MoreFuruba 112 Released!
Here’s the chapter promised by Coolerimmortal~ 113 should be coming up tomorrow (or, rather, later on today). The chapter is available through your usual sources. The torrents, however, are unreliable due to some technical problems at Point-Blank. It might clear up later, so please try the torrent and then direct download. Download where? Here. Edit: Actually, we’ve just put up an alternate torrent. Use that instead.
Read MoreMust be a devil between us…
Besides our usual Gantz chapter and the occasional Elfen Lied chapter, we haven’t been very active as of late, have we? Anyways, summer’s coming up- so really, unless most of the staff decides to take a vacation, we’ll be up and running in no time. We’ve already started pruning some of our less-than-active members, to give us a realistic idea of who can work on what. Also, there will be a couple of cosmetic changes to the site, so don’t be surprised to come back and find that the grey,…
Read MoreEverything is Alright = Gone. Don’t ask. Although, I doubt anyone actually READS the front page. Anyways, a replacement mirror will be coming up soon. Hopefully. If you were looking for Gantz 233, look below.
Read MoreAnimeKoko Down?
The HTTP server hosting our releases is currently unaccessible. Maybe it’s some minor downtime and it’ll be fixed by tomorrow morning, but in case it isn’t- This is just to let you know that we know. Anyways, by the off chance that it’s still offline, while I or one of my co-workers contact Kei, the webmaster, you will either have to get our releases via IRC at #lurk or our channel ( or if you’re looking for Elfen Lied, you can use Oishii-Manga’s bots instead at their channel (#oishii-manga) or…
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