We’re slow


Seems like it’s been a while. Sorry, yo. I took a scanlation vacation and I was slacking a little. But I’m back now and I have some work to do!

As usual, we’re looking for more staff. We specifically need more editors/cleaners. We have a looooot of things we want to work on, but we just don’t have the editors required to work on most of it. If you don’t know what editors are, they’re the people in charge of removing the text on the pages & redrawing the Japanese text. So if you think you can help out, contact us. Via IRC or email, gaminggodp at gmail dots com

Release time.

Raqiya v4 – (!Raqiya4 !Rakia4) – One more volume to go. A big thank you to bioman for cleaning the volume, you’re a gangster. This volume is pretty fun and has a lot of really good art, as is usually the case with Boichi. If you’re a Boichi fan, don’t be a scrub. Buy Raqiya v1-2 by One Peace Books. They’re available on Amazon. They did a really mediocre job with the series, but at least you’ll be able to support Boichi.

Suicide Island v9 (!SI09 !Island09) – Firstly, sorry to my friends from Death-Toll. I’ve been waiting a few days for someone – anyone – to log on so we could organize a release, but nobody did. So I’m releasing alone. šŸ˜ Anyway, for those wondering, this is what happened from v7 to now. v7, we had a joint with them, they translated. When v8 came around, their translator went MIA and we had one, so we did the volume solo. Then for v9, our translator just got too busy with life to really continue and D-T had a translator willing to do the series, so here we are. šŸ™‚ In any case, enjoy the volume.

I hope to have another release or two this coming week.

See you.

8 Thoughts to “We’re slow”

  1. Renard

    Glad to see that Raqiya wasnā€™t dropped, love you guys.
    Btw, Iā€™m looking that age and RL is starting to haunt a couple of members of the staff, isnā€™t it? lol

  2. kelval

    Funny how I was checking Suicide Island only 2 days ago to see if I hadnā€™t missed some releases.

    Thanks a lot for those chapters!

  3. knewt

    Great releases! Thanks a lot :>

  4. GGpX


    Yeah, there arenā€™t many of us senior citizens still remaining in the game. The majority have moved on to bigger and better things.

    But I still hold out hope that weā€™ll get new staff. šŸ™‚

  5. masza

    Thank you for your hard work.
    I would be most grateful if you could look into Private: Download Forum problem. I still get the message Oh bother! No topics were found here!

  6. GGpX

    The Webmaster (zindryr) looked into it not too long ago and didnā€™t know why it didnā€™t work, and heā€™s busy with work atm so I donā€™t know when thatā€™ll be fixed.

  7. vigorousjammer

    Hey there, GGp.
    I sent you an email about joining yesterday and havenā€™t heard back yet, just wanted to make sure you got it. šŸ™‚

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