Rookies 185 (!Rook185) Concludes volume 19. We should be starting on v20 soon. Also, I made a volume pack of v19. (!Rook19)
Sidonia 11 (!Sido11) Chapter 11. Volume 4 goes for sale later this month.
Will be busy for the next week or so because of real life shit. So if you PM me on the forums, I might be slow to reply. Sorry.

Thanks for sidonia
Thanks for the update! Please give us some fmp soon too! ;-;
Thanks for Sidonia and Sigma! Keep up the good work!
thx for chap 11 bro… love the website rofl…
What iz thiz? A silly girl spinning in the loop, I don't understand..
Pff FMP Sigma will never continue since there are about 3 staff app for editors for over a month and u never reply. :crazy:
So there is still a lack of editors for FMP sigma?
Let's hope that is just misunderstanding because Im not waiting Forever and if I decide to quit again it's for good this time
@Avatar Thanks for all your hard work; I greatly enjoy reading your translations. It will be disappointing if you stopped but understandable. Best of luck.
Lack of editors because applications are never looked on.
I talked to dark on irc and he is taking over applications for that from ggpx. So you should be contacted shortly, otherwise drop a message on irc. Thanks.
Thanks for Sidonia, you guys are doing a tremendous job.