Raqiya Volume 3 & the future of the project


Not to sound repetitive, but as some of you might have noticed, we’ve been a little slow with the releases lately. We’re in a big lack of staff.

We have had some people who applied to edit, and I’m training them to the best of my abilities, but we’re still looking for editors and now an experienced typesetter. Sorry, with the lack of time I have right now, I don’t have enough time to be training newbie editors and typesetters.

If you’re interested, either email me or PM me on IRC.

Now, for the release…

Raqiya v03 Okay, so here’s the thing. Some of you might have noticed, but Raqiya was recently licensed. We were in the middle of scanlating the third volume when this happened, and it kind of slowed things down a little. Currently, I would like to continue the series because it’s a really good series (despite the religious terminology that took me forever to look up when looking over the script) but the reality is, we’re in a little bit of a pickle. The current editor & translator isn’t going to work on the volume past this current volume. So here’s the deal. I need an experienced editor who knows his way around Photoshop and can do redraws & double pages properly. If I don’t get one in the next week or so, we’ll be dropping the series and encouraging you to buy One Peace Books’ English copy.

We also might have another little something this weekend.

See you~

3 Thoughts to “Raqiya Volume 3 & the future of the project”

  1. oneluffy

    If I take the offer to be editor of this manga, the release would be in complete volumes or individual chapters? It´s better for me an entire volume.

  2. GGpX

    Yeah, volume releases. I prefer volume releases.

    I’ll send you an email.

  3. metaljulio91

    Thanks for continue this serie.

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