Keaton 18

And we’ve now caught up on all of the Keaton chaps we’ve translated.

Master Keaton 18 (!Keaton18 !MK18) – If ever you needed proof about how much of a gangster Keaton is, this chapter provides it.

Probably won’t be another release until October because I’m right at my bandwidth limit for the month of September.

’til then, have fun.

3 Thoughts to “Keaton 18”

  1. GPA

    Thank you so much for the Master Keaton translations, they are excellent quality and I have been eager to read the series for years. One thing I think you may want to clarify on the last page of Chapter 18, though, is that the fatwa for the author of The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie, was written by Ayatollah Khomeini rather than for him. I look forward to future releases, please keep up the great work!

  2. GGpX-

    @GPA Cool, thanks for pointing out the mistake. I'll re-up the chapter on October 1st. I've literally got no bandwidth left.

  3. Dsvenne

    Like GPA said! Excellent work. By the way, after your latest releases, theres been lots of people discovering this Great manga, and talking about it on diffrent forums. All extremely positive ofcourse! Stay frosty 😎

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