61 Thoughts to “Looking for Shamo 64+ Raws”

  1. Lukis

    Ughh I want Shamo,also Kodansha's Evening was released last week and Shamo 64 was there,but guess no one has scaned it,damn

  2. el

    uhm aren't all the shamo chapters at mangatraders? But the raw part is where it gets confusing 😛 http://www.mangatraders.com/manga/series/184

  3. Peace Walker

    @el Mangatraders only has the stuff that was already translated by Illuminati. The raws are the scans without translation, which they are looking for right now so that they can translate it for us. Also, what's up with the ponies? For how long are you guys keeping this homage to me?

  4. xyz85-mvb9

    Oh, come on, that chalice in the picture must be full at some point. This puzzles me.

  5. Punky Brewster

    Does anyone have any idea when the next volume of Wolf Guy is due out? Also thanks for Samon

  6. herpdurp

    Shamooooooooooooooooo!!! Yes.

  7. GGpX

    Dear Russian, what is up with all of these fucking pink things you call ponies? In my best Joey Diaz impersonation, what the fuck cocksucka.

  8. Peace Walker

    I don't know what the fuck's going on anymore.

  9. Deus_Gear

    Fission Mailed.

  10. Halo

    I just watched "PONIES The Anthology". This is really serious shit… It's like marijuana, only with ponies.

  11. Ahmy

    @Punky Brewster- Wolfy Vol. 11 is out October 20th~ ^^

  12. Peace Walker

    I guess everyone in Illuminati is a big fan of ponies, specially GGpX

  13. Punky Brewster

    @Ahmy Word up ponies!

  14. ss

    Pony faggotry ? Really ? Aaaaaand im done with the site. Autism is something i can tolerate only so far.

  15. Deus_Gear

    Did you just seriously bitch about FREE scanlations? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow.

  16. .Jackals, Sidonia, Suicide, Wolf Guy, I Am A ...

    I don't know if links work well but here's a link that explains the phenomenon of the bronys/ponys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic I only learned about it recently, surprised to find it on this site weeks later, weird coincidence :crazy: I absolutely refuse to watch it though :devil:

  17. .Jackals, Sidonia, Suicide, Wolf Guy, Hero.

    Are you guys still going to work on I Am A Hero btw? I just love the paranoia of the protag :laughing:

  18. Ponyland

    Banjo-Kazooie music? O_O Me likes. No shamo? What a SHAMe…

  19. gamuran

    And obviously you won't finish Homunculus, or Tough, Or Holyland, You had to start wasting time trying to finish SHAMO in it's latest volume that's not even out yet… aren't enough better things to work around rather than mentally jacking off with Shamo?

  20. xyz85-mvb9

    Which series we work or we don't work is none of your business. And learn something about the scanlation process before making such useless drama.

  21. Deus_Gear

    More dumb comments will only increase the ponies. BE PREPARED.

  22. GGpX

    @gamuran If you're willing to pay me my weekly salary so that I can quit my job, I'll work 12 to 16 hours a day on whatever you want scanlated. But you need to provide the translations and pay the raws. If you aren't willing, then… Sorry mate.

  23. Justinijan

    Come on ffs do some Holyland chapter !!! :crazy: :crying: :confused:

  24. hot dog

    Jesus, guys. Be a little more ungrateful, why don't you.

  25. GGpX

    @Justinijan Same goes for you. Pay me my weekly salary every Monday and I'll gladly do 12 hours of scanlations work every day.

  26. Justinijan

    😀 There s no way that i can do that ,and i guess that you guys have profit from us dont be such an ass . Anyway i guess i should say sorry and thanks for your hard work and fasten the Holyland releases pls 😀 😀 😀 Just kiddin at least tell us when will you do the next chapter so we visit the site then im basicly visiting this site everyday and without hope . . See you, no hard feelings pls . and again ty for the free scanlating .

  27. Nitouryu

    11th november – illuminati bday, which is always celebrated with a big dump of releases.

  28. Peace Walker

    @Justinijan Do you really think they profit from us? Have you ever paid them for these releases? Or do you think those tiny ads here are able to pay them enough to profit? These guys are doing you a favor, and you would be doing yourself an even bigger favor if you started learning a new language.

  29. Deus_Gear

    FYI those ads pay for barely half a years hosting, I pay the rest out of pocket :tongue:

  30. FingHeadache

    One more month? :O Oh well, beggars can't be choosers…

  31. Justinijan

    Well i guess i am all wrong here anyway why dont you set Downloadable links from FS/HF hosts and start profiting from us i dont mind downloading every chapter 🙂 guess the others share the same opinion 🙂 ok thats all from me i guess i caused some unneccesary quarels xd so once again ty for Free Scnalating and think about my opinion .

  32. Peace Walker

    @Justinijan this site probably doesn't even get enough traffic to make that work, mostly because the online-readers and download websites (like Mangatraders) are the top choices for people who download manga, most of them don't even visit the scanlators website. They also can't just sell the chapters for the readers, if they did that, they'd have to get the rights to translate and distribute the work, which would be even more expensive and would probably drive them to bankruptcy (ever wonder why there are so few manga translators that actually publish their work officially for profit?) Things are not that simple, that's why when someone bitches about free manga, they're always wrong. People should stop being so eager to read stuff, there are other things to do besides reading manga, so what's the hurry for the next chapter? Just relax and appreciate the work of the translators and the manga artists 😉

  33. Nitouryu

    No, not a month of wait. There will be this and that in between, but that's a more solid date. There will be releases, but everyone has their own problems. I'm kept busy at work from 10:00-22:00, Phaedris actually isn't a redrawing machine, Kuthrow is moving out of his parents basement, GGpX is busy in kitchen and Deus is stuck watching Pony reruns on Nickelodeon.

  34. FingHeadache

    Lmao and of course, keep it at your own pace, but working 12 hours a day… good luck with that :confused:

  35. Justinijan

    Ok ok i take all back 😀 Do it when u have free time and u feel like it 🙂 Wont bother anyone with anything anymore ! And yeah you should go search for another job maybe ? 12hours per a day wtf is that in what country you live ? if it was in Macedonia i would`nt wonder about that :/

  36. yeh

    If you weren't seven, you'd probably understand that people need money. More hours yields a fatter paycheck.

  37. noonelikesme

    btt: When will Shamo 64 released? The RAW? The scanlation?

  38. hmmmm

    IS Shamo a monthly or bi-monthly, or what?

  39. Famous Person

    @hmmmm seems like it abides to the same schedule as Berserk

  40. el

    I really don't mind the waiting, but I'd love more ponies every now and then since I come here twice or three times a day just to see what's up… Keep up the good work guys!

  41. fag

    and all nihei fag of the scanlation world await your releases :shifty:

  42. gamuran

    C'mon GGPX dude, Homunculus only has 2 vols left are ya gonna keep us waiting at this point? really? at least release one volume of Tough a month you lazy sunubawitch!

  43. anonymoose

    Jesus, not you again. Why do you feel like you're actually entitled to make these guys work on your schedule?

  44. gamuran

    Because they sound so desperate to get raws for a series that hasn't even seen a printed volume yet. they can do whatever they want with their time, I'm just making practical suggestions of "time management" that will benefit both the group and the fan in the long-short term, but yeah, we all know you're waiting for Italy to release Homunculus 14 eh? cause that's where you get your translations. and yeah TOUGH fans deserve a better release schedule, do you think I have all the time of the world to come and check for new chapter releases? be real.

  45. gamuran

    and GGPX, yes! I do have the money, I can pay for it! before you throw an offer make sure to specify it in $$$ before you assume I don't want to pay for it.

  46. Justinijan

    The fans are unpatient . 😉

  47. Deus_Gear

    48 comments. thats a new record!

  48. xyz85-mvb9

    Let's make it 49! @gamuran: "you're waiting for Italy to release Homunculus 14 eh? cause that's where you get your translations." lol. Wait for arsmagna (the translator), he'll be glad to offend you (in japanese). Moreover, italian translation for homunculus sucks. "do you think I have all the time of the world to come and check for new chapter releases?" Nobody told you to lose your time here. Check the site once every year, so you'll lose a minimum amount of time and you'll certainly find your series updated 😉

  49. Justinijan

    Oj its already fifty comments so stop spamming u fags 😀 including me aa im so eager for Holyland new chap and its on the verge of the end but scanlations killing us all !!! 51 COMMENT CHEERS !!!

  50. Nitouryu

    52 GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATERS GONNA HATE I didn't know there was a page split after 50 comments =]

  51. Deus_Gear

    Me either lol.

  52. GGpX

    Part 1 @Justinijan "And yeah you should go search for another job maybe ? 12hours per a day wtf is that in what country you live ? if it was in Macedonia i would`nt wonder about that :/" I look at it this way. I wake up, get dressed & the usual, go to work, work, come back home. That takes me about 10 hours worth of time in my day. Once I'm home, I usually spend an hour to make dinner & eat then a good chunk of the night doing scanlations-related stuff (Not necessarily work) varying from chatting with group members about how x and y things are going, to talking with people in other groups about certain projects and future possibilities (Happens literally every day), talking to translators, organizing the ftp/site… Then I usually do some stuff varying from translating, scanning, typesetting, QCing… So let's say 3-4 hours after work on scanlations. Add that to the 10 hours dedicated to work every day, and you have roughly ~14 hours assuming I don't slack off. So 12 hours / day is very possible, theoretically.

  53. GGpX

    Part 2 @fag "and all nihei fag of the scanlation world await your releases shifty" Yup, sorry about that. We're waiting on the translator (Elkin) to pop-up again. v3 & v4 are both completely cleaned, with v2 just needing a t/l check. If she doesn't come back soon, we'll have to start looking for a new translator. What a pain~ @gamuran "C'mon GGPX dude, Homunculus only has 2 vols left are ya gonna keep us waiting at this point? really? at least release one volume of Tough a month you lazy sunubawitch!" If it was just up to me, Homunculus would have been completely scanlated a long time ago. Unfortunately, it isn't up to me as I can't translate Japanese. The one translator I have on the series is more occupied with his grades in school, and frankly I don't blame him. As for Tough, well, we do what we can with the limited amount of editors we have. It's not like I simply decide, "Hey let's not release or work on none of this stuff just 'cuz we're jerks!" or anything, it's just a question of resources.

  54. GGpX

    Part 3 (Hope I didn't forget anything) @gamuran "Because they sound so desperate to get raws for a series that hasn't even seen a printed volume yet. they can do whatever they want with their time, I'm just making practical suggestions of "time management" that will benefit both the group and the fan in the long-short term" Honestly, I'm not desperate. Shamo is the fastest series to scanlate we have. For all the people that work on the series, the combined time spent for a chapter is roughly 3 hours. ~30-45 minutes to translate, sometimes less, ~45-75 mins to edit, 30 mins to typeset, ~5-10 mins QC. And voila, a release. Seriously, it takes no time at all. And let's just say we never get anymore web raws for Shamo. Big deal, I'll just buy the tankobon when it goes for sale and do it then. "we all know you're waiting for Italy to release Homunculus 14 eh? cause that's where you get your translations. " Just so you know, besides Koukou Tekken-den Tough, Saru Lock and Shonan Jun'ai Gumi, all of which are translated from French by yours truly, all of the series we do are translated by Japanese translators. All of which who are competent. I have one person in the whole group who can speak Italian and he doesn't translate anything.

  55. GGpX

    (Part 4, I did forget something) @gamuran "and yeah TOUGH fans deserve a better release schedule, do you think I have all the time of the world to come and check for new chapter releases? " Listen, just check Manga-Updates. If we release something, less than five minutes later it's updated there. I'll throw you a bone. Log on to irc November 11th around ~6PM EST and you might be surprised. "and GGPX, yes! I do have the money, I can pay for it! before you throw an offer make sure to specify it in $$$ before you assume I don't want to pay for it." I make about ~$1,600 CDN every two weeks. If you can pay me that every two weeks and find a translator for the series you want to see done, let's get down to business.

  56. hurf

    hey GGpX, thanks for your comments, I seriously appreciate the information. I'm excited to hear that two volumes of Sidonia have been cleaned, looking forward to that release whenever it happens.

  57. FingHeadache

    It's a surprise not every post gets as many comments since it's registration-free…

  58. humpity

    "do you think I have all the time of the world to come and check for new chapter releases?" Evidently, you do, sport.

  59. gamuran

    Mr. GGPX, mad respects for your work and effort, I'd like to pay you "a salary" but I just want two books, so, probably I would just be interested in those two books and then shift my interest in something else, but, as always, thanks for the complete and honest answer that I haven't received from anybody else. A gentleman I am, we both are.

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