Okay, I got off my ass and updated the projects page. If there’s anything missing, let me know via the forums.
[/GGpX Edit]The continuation of the previous convo.
Small note. I’ve nicknamed Icedman, one of our typesetters, IcedGerm and sometimes call GermBoy, because he’s from Germland. That’s really the only reason. He doesn’t like it one bit! So, with that said…
.:20·22·32:. «!GGpX» xyz85-mvb9
.:20·22·38:. «!GGpX» BME Pain Olympics is calling you.
.:20·22·38:. «@Kuthrow» IIRC he did try to feed some of the dick to the guy he chopped it off of
.:20·22·50:. «@Kuthrow» but he was too loopy from all the blood loss to chew
(Meanwhile, in #illuminati-manga, check the time)
.:20·22·12:. «!GGpX» GermBoy isn’t on. Too bad.
.:20·22·27:. «@xyz85-mvb9» lol
.:20·23·09:. «@Kuthrow» hahaa
.:20·24·17:. «!GGpX» People are probably thinking, “What, that’s not funny at all. I don’t understand.”
Back to the staff room.
.:20·23·18:. «!GGpX» Next time we make a release, I should post this convo.
.:20·23·30:. «@xyz85-mvb9» NO WAY gg
.:20·23·32:. «@Nitouryu» if you cut a dick, then have a firm stance to finish eating it. Fucking quiter
.:20·23·35:. «@Kuthrow» find a link to the story, and post it
.:20·23·41:. «@Kuthrow» seriously, nitto
.:20·24·01:. «@Kuthrow» he did wind up grinding the guys bones into powder to make bread
.:20·24·14:. «@Kuthrow» and eating human “steak” from the slices of meat
.:20·24·36:. «@Nitouryu» you cant be all like “Meh, we are out of salt, will give it to dogs. You ok with that bro? Just grow out a new one and we’ll try next week”
.:20·24·40:. «@Kuthrow» But IIRC when he was caught there was still a bunch of the stuff left in his freezer, so I’m guessing he didn’t eat too much
.:20·24·55:. «!GGpX» Nitouryu
.:20·25·00:. «!GGpX» let’s release Holyland 127 tonight
.:20·25·02:. «@Nitouryu» ah, I know that
.:20·25·04:. «!GGpX» just so I can post this convo
.:20·25·06:. «@Nitouryu» a hadibal
.:20·25·07:. «@xyz85-mvb9» oh lol
.:20·25·08:. «@Nitouryu» hanibal
.:20·25·19:. «@Kuthrow» lol
.:20·25·26:. «@Nitouryu» this convo is too long
.:20·25·36:. «!GGpX» Fuck that.
.:20·26·27:. «@Kuthrow» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes
.:20·27·06:. «@Kuthrow» As is known from a videotape the two made when they met on 9 March 2001 in Meiwes’s home in the small village of Rotenburg, Meiwes amputated Brandes’ penis and the two men attempted to eat the penis together before Brandes was killed. Brandes had insisted that Meiwes attempt to bite his penis off. This did not work and ultimately, Meiwes used a knife to remove Brandes’ penis.
.:20·27·29:. «@Kuthrow» I can’t imagine having to watch that fucking video
.:20·27·40:. «!GGpX» lol
.:20·27·47:. «@Nitouryu» is there an internet copy?
.:20·27·48:. «!GGpX» I bet IcedGerm knows it.
.:20·27·57:. «@Kuthrow» don’t think so
.:20·28·02:. «@Nitouryu» he prolly has some bootleged VHS tapes of it
.:20·28·07:. «!GGpX» Haha. If there is, link me.
.:20·28·11:. «@xyz85-mvb9» fucking rammstein made a song of it
.:20·28·11:. «!GGpX» I know how to troll someone.
.:20·28·14:. «@xyz85-mvb9» my goodnes
.:20·28·16:. «@xyz85-mvb9» *s
.:20·28·18:. «@Kuthrow» you guys are fucked up, lol
.:20·28·28:. «!GGpX» Well, I’m perfectly sane.
.:20·28·32:. «!GGpX» My friends, aren’t, though.
.:20·28·40:. «!GGpX» -first coma
.:20·28·41:. «!GGpX» .-.
.:20·28·50:. «@Kuthrow» “According to journalists who saw the video (which has not been made public), Brandes may already have been too weakened from blood loss to actually eat any of his penis”
.:20·28·52:. «!GGpX» You know who’s all fucked up? Germs, man.
.:20·29·03:. «!GGpX» Fuckin’ Germs.
.:20·29·05:. «@Kuthrow» They’re nazis, what do you expect
.:20·29·24:. «@xyz85-mvb9» they just do everything better
.:20·29·34:. «@xyz85-mvb9» why only chop a dick? let’s eat it!
.:20·30·08:. «@Nitouryu» germans made techno and all that shit, faggots
.:20·30·18:. «@Kuthrow» Dude only got 8 years in prison too
.:20·30·21:. «@Kuthrow» Fucking nazis
.:20·31·27:. «@xyz85-mvb9» also, funny last post on last release’s comments
.:20·31·34:. «!GGpX» Oh yeah.
.:20·31·36:. «@xyz85-mvb9» i blame gg
.:20·31·37:. «!GGpX» Projects page.
.:20·31·40:. «!GGpX» Yeah.
.:20·31·43:. «!GGpX» Well, I started
.:20·31·45:. «!GGpX» then someone nicked me
.:20·31·51:. «!GGpX» and I forgot about it
.:20·32·02:. «!GGpX» Updating the project page is boring :p
.:20·32·12:. «@Kuthrow» lol
.:20·32·27:. «@Kuthrow» “[Nitouryu edit:] Before anyone jumps the Jackals gun – I’m actively working on it right now, CHILL.” <– Bullshit!
.:20·32·46:. «@Nitouryu» yo, I clean a chap
.:20·32·57:. «@Nitouryu» tell Iced to check ftp GGpX
.:20·33·02:. «!GGpX» Yup.
.:20·33·06:. «!GGpX» And I’ll post this convo for him.
.:20·33·21:. «@Nitouryu» how cute
.:20·33·41:. «@Kuthrow» lol
.:20·33·58:. «!GGpX» Then I’ll include at the very end,
.:20·34·10:. «!GGpX» “Now you know why I abbreviate your kind to Germs.”
.:20·38·28:. «@xyz85-mvb9» sure
.:20·46·53:. «@xyz85-mvb9» anyone did watch Saru Lock drama? if yes, worth a watch?
.:20·47·51:. «!GGpX» It sucks.
.:20·47·53:. «!GGpX» Don’t bother.
.:20·48·23:. «@xyz85-mvb9» meh
.:21·01·55:. quits: @Zifnab (~Lucia@12b24a3f.31478372.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
.:21·13·25:. «!GGpX» Man, I need to get Dille to mass-edit shit
.:21·13·32:. «!GGpX» so that I have a reason to work on [Future Series]
.:21·46·41:. quits: Guybrush (~guybrush@wonder.land) (Quit: Verlassend)
.:22·01·10:. «!GGpX» Nitouryu
.:22·01·17:. «!GGpX» I might re-up some HL 128 pages
.:22·02·28:. «@Nitouryu» ok, will dl tomorrow anyway
.:22·03·07:. «!GGpX» Okay.
.:22·09·33:. «!GGpX» xyz85-mvb9
.:22·09·51:. «!GGpX» .:07·40·41:. «!GGpX-Away» …lol http://www.mangaupdates.com/showtopic.php?tid=28003
.:22·09·51:. «!GGpX» .:07·40·45:. «!GGpX-Away» PART TWO
.:22·12·37:. «@Kuthrow» Last edited by lambchopsil at 3:14 am, Aug 5
.:22·23·06:. «!GGpX» I love the last post
.:22·23·25:. «!GGpX» First post,
.:22·23·26:. «!GGpX» we r working on manga and we want to download it so we wanna know how to do that in detail
.:22·23·42:. «!GGpX» Most recent post,
.:22·23·47:. «!GGpX» sorry but what scanlating means.. confused ?_?_?_? !!
.:22·31·31:. «@Kuthrow»
So yeah.
If we get some more weird convos, I’ll definitely post them.
For today’s releases!
Full Metal Panic Sigma v12 (!Sigma12) – This is a very good volume and leaves you off on a monster fucking cliffhanger. Big thank you to xyz (Too lazy to remember how to type his full nick) for editing the volume.
Shamo 60 (!Shamo60) – This is where Shamo stopped before going on a three-year long hiatus. We have a raw for chapter 61, so we’ll be doing it some time this week. I don’t know if ch62’s come out yet or not. Btw, this project currently takes up next to no resources and doesn’t hold back any other projects. It might when we’ll do volume 26’s tankobon, but we’ll see how it goes then. But just for the magazine chaps, it doesn’t take very much time.
See you next time.
do you mind if I take sidonia off your hands?
love,love,looooove your FMP Sigma work. thanks for that
Thank you so much for FMP
thanks for the fmp!
that was a fuckin crazy volume :crazy:
Thanks for the fmp release !
Thanks for the FMP! 21 Days between 2 Sigma volumes probably marks your new personal all-time high. Good Job all of you!
thanks for shamo :w00t:
Yay Shamo..also hope Suicide Island 33 will arrive soon(read translation a bit,guess no action on ch,I really wanna see Sei beating crap out of those losers)
me and my group will start jackals as our new project. we will handle it from where you left it.
… I will delay jackals… fuck you GGpX!
This goes for Cenit and any others out here. Lets not all start thinking crazy ideas like we're going to maintain sub-monthly releases going fwd. That V12 was "catchup" for the delayed V11
when will u guys release suicide island
@Avatar: Just make Sigma v13 happen within september (gives you guys 1,5 month to do so as of now). After that i wouldn't even mind if you take a half year break. Good luck to all of you and once again thanks!
V13 by Sept? That won't be hard at all but Cenit, you should be careful what you say here because if I take your word literally, that means we don't finish V14 within this yr = I officially quit project and team!!!! (what I said in the past still applies you know) :shifty:
Thanks for reply. I'm glad to hear (about september that is lol). Well if it was for me i would love you guys to deliver a v15 (dancing-very-merry-)christmas present on December 24th but lol we all have lives and lets not ask for too much. Just keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the FMP. Really looking forward to it.
Wow! Wasn't expecting FMP! Great work guys. Epic volume, reminded me of why I love this series so much Thanks alot!
I need to do some catchup on Sigma, dropped it at volume 9.. @Lukis & koro – c33 will probably be released this weekend. c34 is in works. And I have to agree that vol.4 holds little "action", it's more about power balance and fighting over food. Volume 5 will have more development.
@Nitoryu glad to hear it
Fu**ed up ur Username again sorry
Thanks for Full Metal Panic
youuuuuu fuckers. where's holyland, suicide island an wolf guy? wanna keep it for yourselves,eh? you're a bunch of damn motherfuckers. come on, fuck my mother
Sure, just give me your mom's address and I'll be glad to. Also, yes. We have two Wolf Guy volumes ready and we are not going to give them to you. Bear with it, won't you?
Shamo 262 raw is out. I'll re-up it later if you don't have it already.
@ginco would be awesome if some progress were made on sidonia, +1
@ginco would be awesome if some progress were made on sidonia, +2
@ShamoFan#1 Sure, that would be great. Thanks.
Nice, lots of love for FMP! Sigma
Thanks guys and keep up the good work!
More FMP!
Thanks so much guys!