Enjokousai 3 (!Enjo3) – Thanks again to Saber^^ for the translation. And the post ends now because I don’t have anything else to say.
Enjokousai 3 (!Enjo3) – Thanks again to Saber^^ for the translation. And the post ends now because I don’t have anything else to say.
Thanks for the chapter
Where can I read it? It isnt in your reader and neither can i download it with the manga download link on the right…am i blind, just stupid or is there a way im not aware of?
alright found the thread in your forum 😀 Thanks for the chapter 🙂
awesome! three chapters in the last couple of days thank you so much!
holyland suicide island (wolf guy) :crying:
:confused:Thanks but when comes out the next upadte of REAL!
@Her Never. Ever. Seriously, the author cut his right hand off in a mad rage. I'm *totally* not lying about it either.
Whatever happened to my beloved Homunculus? I am not going to have to wait for another six months, right? :tongue:
is the computer (shitty acer) problem solved for Nit yet?
I have to agree with Xhizors. I really miss Homunculus and the translation project was great, seriously, those were some of the best dialogues I've ever seen in a translated manga. Really hope you guys didn't drop it :crying:
@Peace Walker They haven't dropped it since a drop hasn't been announced. I do think they need some kind of translator/editor/somethingsomethingor or are my guesses just stupid? anyway, Hope I get to read volume 13 soon :O
@el 13? We're still waiting for 12, I believe. Unless you have Volume 12? Do you? I WOULD KILL YOU FOR THAT VOLUME, MAN! But yeah, things are pretty slow, I can't translate and I don't have any experience in editing, but I could help out on the grammar department if needed. And I really hope your guesses aren't stupid.
haha nope, forgot what volume we were on since… well it's been a while since ^.^ likewise, I would kill anyone for that volume…
Nothing new.