MORE.. emm, Mori Kouji stuff!
I want to give a shoutout that all West-Central Europeans are retards, except spaniards, germans and polish, they are cool.
But seriously you are so frikin DUNCE it just astounds me, especialy dutchmen, whenever I talk to them it sounds like they are sitting on a GOD DAMN rainbow. And apparently danish are working really hard to acquire that greedy jew image.
I did so many overhours this week at work because of their lack of common sense.. arghhh, I have lost count.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
DEM releases:
Holyland ch109 (!Holy109 on irc)
Suicide Island v03 (!SI3 on irc)
And I found a picture of YOU my dear reader.
Damn, you so good looking:
:w00t: Railgun is better than Index
You're in a holyland release spree, that makes me so happy :crying: Also another suicide island volume, I love you guys.
lol, thanks for releases, german guy approves
Thanks for the releases
:w00t: niceeeeeeee, moar holyland!!!!
German People FTW
thanks for suicide island i appreciate it
Thanks a lot for the release of volume 3 suicide Island. I loved reading it. But I'm really curious to your problem with dutch guys since I dont really get what you mean with sitting on a rainbow XD. I'm a dutch guy myself and from mixed heritage.
holy crap, how'd ya get that picture of me? :O
Спасиб&# 1086; за HL, так держат&# 1100;. Радует&# 1077; уже всю неделю своими выпуск&# 1072;ми. Russian guy says tnx :laughing:
Holyland everyday and on top of that a Suicide Island volume, you really are awesome!
Thank you for those awesome releases! 
Thanks a lot for all the work you do and the time you spend on scanlating Holyland. I love that manga because it is seems real to me.
I just discovered Holyland and read all chaps straight through on one day. I looove you guys for doing all the scanlation work! Thanks a bunch.
Oh my god, more releases, I can't believe it! You guys are awesome! /me rushes to read Suicide Island…
Dutchman here. My countrymen are generally idiots. Kudos to you.
il faut que vous devrez finir le HOLYLAND
some many holyland chapters in the past couple of weeks! awesome! Thank you.
Thanks SO MUCH for Holyland… Just keep it going at this tempo, PLEASE!!! It's just TOO AWESOME RIGHT NOW!!!
Also – thanks for your other project (Wolf Guy, waiting for 76 :)) and the other one (Homonculus – is it on hiatus?)
:w00t: Thank you for your hard work. I hope by praising you, you can hold your speed. I´m from germany, so you like me?^^ What is your problem with other nations? yeahh france is a bitch, but the rest!? Holyland,Suicide Island and Wolf guy are my favorite ones. You´re doing great!
The famous dutch rainbow fart.
Thanks a lot!
i want to hug you but my man-genes say's NO
Amazing volume from Suicide! Sei indeed turn into some king of Robin Hood :w00t: And i really liked the flashback about Ryou's past and his reason to attempt suicide
Wow, if there's ever been a more pimp group then Illuminati-Manga then I'd be suprised. Rock on! :devil:
Thanks for the update on Suicide Island!! Was really looking forward to it!
suicide island is a really deep manga <3 love. thank you guys