Say what?

You can kiss my shinny metal toaster ass, you flaming frenchie ass-nugget.

How about you stop drinking like a 40-year old chronic alcoholic over the whatever-team won and start being useful to society?

Idiot section chief ch006 (!Idiot06) on irc.

In other news:
Looking for Holyland jp translator and Jackals typesetter (experienced) and, and a redrawer who knows how to redraw(Holyland & Saru).

6 Thoughts to “Say what?”

  1. Niddles

    maaan 17 days and no update…

  2. Deus_Gear

    It's summer man 😀

  3. Nitouryu

    Too busy getting blowjobs everydeiii~~~

  4. Kim

    Ill blow you for more Holyland chapters :tongue:

  5. Niddles

    oh yeah, you're right, I forgot that, it's summer in USA, here in brasil the winter is comming, and I'm freezing here

  6. Liam

    Balrog is a bar of soap, dude.

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