Kizu 79

Hello, I spent all of Saturday on my feet (literally 15+ hours) and now my right foot is killing me, 2 days later. Kizu 79 (!Kizu79) – In an unrelated note, a new Kizu chapter! This one was redraw hell because why the fuck not, right Saruwatari? You motherfucker? Anyway, thanks to Hokuto no Gun as usual for their help. Go visit their site. I’m in a meeting and I gotta run. Byebye.

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Kizu 77

Good morning, In a world filled with men eunuchs Justin Trudeau and Ted Cruz, strive to be a man like Volodymyr Zelenskyy instead. Someone with character, dignity, and worthy of your admiration. Kizu 77 (!Kizu77) – Ruh oh! We get to see an old friend of ours. Thanks as usual to Hokuto no Gun for their help on the series. Btw, this is going to probably be another calm week for us before hopefully picking up the pace the week after. Stay tuned.

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Kizu 74 #prayforNi3

Good morning, This morning, our dear editor Nitouryu had surgery for something or another, and now he’s all doped up on pain pills. He’s been talkin’ shit. So come nag him on Discord and talk about life and the secondary effects of pill popping. Kizu 74 (!Kizu74) – Equal opportunity fondling! Thanks as usual to Hokuto no Gun for their help on the series. See you next Monday!

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Kizu 73

Good morning, As per every Monday morning, I’m on a tight schedule. Kizu 73 (!Kizu73) – I really have to say: It’s the last day of January, and winter is supposed to be more than half done, but fucking hell it sure doesn’t feel that way. Onwards to our noble summer! See you later this week, hopefully.

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