I’m on vacation.


For anyone trying to contact me, I’m just letting you know I’m on my annual scanlation vacation. It was supposed to be in January like it is every year, but I didn’t have time because a lot of things needed to be done.

So if you’re waiting on me to finish something or get back to you on something, or something-something-something, I’ll be back in a week or so max.

If it’s really urgent, leave me a PM on IRC. If you’re not on IRC all the time, leave me your email and I’ll get back to you when I’m off my vacation.

See you~

4 Thoughts to “I’m on vacation.”

  1. IvanSundell

    Surprised that there’s no comments at all.

    Glad to hear that you’re having some time off. You deserve it 🙂
    You and your crew have done an amazing job with the releases 2013 and 2014. Looking forward for you upcoming releases!



  2. laika

    no rest for the wicked

  3. Anonymous

    Thank you for Sengoku translation.

  4. Anonymous

    Thank you very much for the I Am A Hero scanlation. Love the manga, love your work. It has been a long long while since the last chapter (everywhere I looked I only found 143 chapters). Please continue the project as soon as you’re able.

    Happy vacations, by the way 🙂

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