New Website!


So for the first time in years, we’re catching up (sorta?) with modern technology and we have a new website to prove it!

A few of the new things from the website:

– New interface. Duh.

-Updated About & Projects page. We’ll be working on implementing some things for the Projects page eventually. The ideas we have are a little complicated to implement, so we’re in no rush to do them. The Projects page is always great to show how damn old we are. The About page will never be 100% accurate simply because there have been so many people over the years who’ve been in the group that I’m bound to forget a lot of them.

-New tabs. We have the IRC tab to get you into a Web Chat directly into our room or one to get you to the XDCC pages for the bots in the room.

-New Forums. One of the biggest changes with the site is that we’ll be a lot more forum-oriented in hopes of having discussions about our series.  Theoretically, at least. Also, to comment on the new releases, it is required to register. It takes a minute to do, don’t be lazy. And maybe you’ll find something you’d like on the forums that Guests can’t see… wink wink.

-We still have a few things we want to improve on the website, but if you have your own suggestions as to what we could do to improve/fix/tweak the website, there’s a forum available to you to post in.

-Reader will be updated faster. Excluding releases from series that are licensed in English, we should be updating the reader simultaneously with the XDCC bots.

-Nitouryu still sucks. Guess that isn’t anything new, though… I still love you, Ni3.

And now for the release.

Alice in Hell 14-15 (!Alice14 !Alice15 !AIH14 !AIH15) – This will conclude volume 2 and these are really two chapters that are awesome in their own rights. Click here to start reading.

Enjoy, have a good one.

10 Thoughts to “New Website!”

  1. zindryr

    GGpX forgot to mention that comments now require you to have an account. So if you’d like to make a comment you’ll have to do so. There should be a register link in the Users tab or in the Meta widget to the right here (assuming you’re looking at this comment in the news post and not in the forums.)

    Also, the thread for site feedback and things is over this way:

  2. DassJennir

    Thanks for Alice in Hell 🙂

  3. hahhah42

    Forcing me to get an account to comment, huh? Now how am I supposed to leave anonymous complaints comments?

    Also, I’m way late on this, but thanks for helping out with 3, Street of Mysteries! I really appreciate it.

  4. GGpX

    Thank you for helping me get off my procrastinating ass to work on Mother Sarah as well. 😉

  5. elnico

    Thanks, waiting for more alice

  6. Dave

    Thanks for Alice and the resolution to update the reader faster.

    Have some proverbs:

  7. Nitouryu

    I luv you too, frenchie

    we need some :kissu: :kissu: smilies

  8. dh85

    no gay love for me 🙁

  9. AqworldThunder

    It’s great to see you guys made this site, it looks really nice.

  10. leonearmato

    Nice change!

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