New Years release, two weeks late. Kinda.


So we were supposed to do a New Years release two weeks ago, but seeing as we’re the Italian is a slacker, we got shit done. Took him a whole week to QC a volume, that silly willy.

(Love you Marco Polo <3)

So for 2014, our goal in releases will be to get to 3,000 total chapters release, which will largely depend on the amount of staff we have. So… wink wink, apply if you think you can help out. Translators, Editors, A Proofreader. PM me on IRC or e-mail me. I’m also hoping 2014 will allow us to do more of laika’s projects (Hey, laika, come back already, I wanna do IAAH ;( ) that he’s already translated, including Little Forest v2 & a couple of one volume series.

Also, with a few long-term projects coming to a close soon (FMP, HHF) or having ended (Rookies), there’s a chance we might pick up an ongoing series or two. Either something new, or something that was dropped by another group, all depending on the staff and what they want to work on. Don’t give me suggestions, I already have plenty of series in mind (Not to mention 4 boxes full of books I still need to scan eventually). Shamo v31 & Girl By The Sea v2 should be arriving in the mail a week or so from now. Planning on doing both of those relatively soon.


2001+5 (!2001+5 !Sci+5) – It’s a “sequel” of sorts to Hoshino Yukinobu’s most famous work, 2001 Nights, but it’s not really sequel as much as it is using a story that wasn’t put in the original oneshot collection along with a various cast of sci-fi stories Hoshino drew up over the years. There’s actually one story that lasted four chapters that’s worth checking out, but unfortunately it got canned because the magazine went under and no other magazine was willing to pick up the series, so it ended right there.

In any case, a big thank you to zindryr for translating, and to eito, kyuubi654 & illiteracy for the editing on the volume. Much appreciated.

Have a good one.

10 Thoughts to “New Years release, two weeks late. Kinda.”

  1. GS

    Nice to see some more Hoshino Yukinobu. Thanks.

  2. Doomroar

    Yes more of this awesomeness thanks a lot!

  3. lia

    can you give the status of fmp sigma vol 19?

  4. TTervel

    Just fineshe volume 18 of FMP and waiting for vol 19… You did a relly great job!

  5. Ily

    everyone is waiting for fmp :crying:

  6. GGpX

    Status of FMP is… we're working on it. .-,

  7. Anon

    Can you give us an estimate of the release of fmp vol.19. Thanks. 🙂

  8. dh85

    one or two months from now.

  9. GGpX

    One or two months in Italian time, he means. How that converts to regular human time, though, I don't have the exact formula.

  10. Kenny

    Haha…that about sounds right with the Italian time…No rush though tell whoever's doing it to take whatever time he needs to get it done but any update on it whenever he can would be great… thx guys for all your hard work 🙂

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