8 full years

So today, November 11th – and it’s still the 11th where I live as I’m typing this – is Illuminati-Manga’s eight anniversary. I’m kinda surprised we’ve last eight full years. But then again, there’s a boatload of good manga out there that hasn’t been found & scanlated (Looking at my Saruwatari Tetsuya pile alone makes me salivate…) so I suppose there might be a reason we’ve lasted so long.

Big thank you to all the current & former staff who’ve put in some time to get releases out. It’s been a lot of work, but we’ve been able put forth a lot of good products because of it.

(Also, looking for staff, PM me on IRC if interested, blah blah blah)

Alice in Hell 12 (!Alice12 !AIH12) – That range…

Hito Hitori Futari v06 (!Hito06 !Hitori06) – Oh shit, that cliffhanger.

Inherit The Stars 07-08 (!ITS07 !ITS08 !Stars07 !Stars08) – A big, big thank you to Elkin <3 for translating the series. This completes volume 1, and hopefully we’ll be working on volume 2 not too long from now.

Master Keaton 28 (!Keaton28 !MK28) – One of my favorite chapters, just because of what happens right in the middle of the chapter with the dog. I literally laughed out loud. Thanks again to the people at HappyScans! for helping out with the release.

Scientia (End) (!Scientia !Science) – While we did pick up Raqiya last time, we finished off one project, so we’re even now. 🙂 A big thank you to Kalai for translating the volume and to Ashido for cleaning it.

I had planned to release two more volumes today, but we ran out of time. One of the volumes had missing redraws and the other volume was only partially translated. So hopefully we’ll be able to wrap those two up in the coming weeks and start working on the next big release… The one in late December…

See you.

19 Thoughts to “8 full years”

  1. GS

    Thanks a lot for Scientia.

  2. GS

    And happy anniversary.

  3. Cyborg

    Happy birthday, omae-tachi. Thanks for all the great mangas you've given us and may you live long happy life so that you can continue to bring us kickass comics for a long time to come. xD

  4. el

    thanks for the releases !! And happy birthday, here's for 8 more 🙂

  5. Dave

    Huzza. Long live the illuminati-manga.

  6. Space Cowtail

    woot woot! Happy 8 years and a hope to many more.

  7. Scott Hall

    Thanks for the amazing job on Scientia, absolutely wonderful.

  8. Doomroar

    happy anniversary, and thanks for the ton of releases!

  9. Simonse

    how about i'am a hero??? :pff: :pff:

  10. holli

    How about – it was only published 10 days ago, johnny boy.

  11. anon

    Keaton and Inherit the Stars. Fuck yes and thank you. Keep up the good work!

  12. Wojciech

    8 years?! That was fast 🙂 Keep up the good work guys and especially thank you GGpX for your commitment 🙂 Could it be that that December release you're planning is FMP:Sigma?

  13. Ced

    Thank you guys for Inherit the Stars (and for the quality releases in general)!!!

  14. Sofia

    Thank you for all your hard work, especially for Shamo!! 8 years huh…….

  15. d3mon

    Thanks for all the amazing releases!!!

  16. Gustavo

    Thank you very much!

  17. Michael

    Woah, new Inherit chapter AND Alice? Thanks for all of your hard work. Here's to more years!

  18. choco

    Merry Christmas! :pff:

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