What? ANOTHER new project?

So we have a new series called Raqiya by Boichi today and I already know what you’re thinking,

“Another new project? Again? Really? Go fuck yourselves, gimme my [insert other neglected series here], you assholes.”

Listen, there’s a little backstory here. I like Kotonoha a lot. I have a hard time naming a bad series they’ve done since they’ve started. They’re (or were, seeing as they’re inactive now) the cream of the crop when it comes to quality scanlations and series choices. So much so that, they started 4 series that I had concrete plans to work on. Hideout, All Rounder Meguru, Before Dawn and the End of the World and Raqiya. For all the series mentioned, I had bought volumes & had planned to scanlate them in the near future before Kotonoha picked them up and as some of you might remember, we even released chapters of Before Dawn and the End of the World the day after they did, so we actually had scanned the volume, started the translation process & editing. By the way, speaking of that series, can one of you find me a better looking double page than this one? http://i.imgur.com/XhJLUn4.jpg because that just might be the best looking double page I’ve ever seen. It’s literally perfect. Editing perfect and the scans are top quality.

Raqiya 16-20 (!Raqiya17 to !Raqiya20 & !Sanctum17 to !Sanctum20) So anyway… From our previous relationship & project Hotel, Weaper from Japanzai & I had plans on to work on Raqiya. I bought all five volumes, had ’em shipped and literally the day I get them, Kotonoha’s released chapter 1. Late to the party again. Damn. So we dropped our plans and I sent the volumes to Weaper and he did some sort of contest with them for his Boichi worship site. So because Kotonoha became inactive, we started talking about it this summer and we started “officially” working on it not too long ago. In September, I believe. So the end result is, we have volume 02 wrapped up. Because I have a great deal of respect for Kotonoha, moreso than any other active group out there, I made a great deal of effort to find all of the fonts they used for their work and our releases should look nearly identical. We’re even using their page sizing for this volume & going with 1,800 height for volumes 3-5.

Anyway, for the next 2 weeks, I’ll be working mostly on (sigh…) Rookies and the jumbled mess that is the last volume. The last volume itself is awesome, but the work I’m going to have to put into it… Not so much.


17 Thoughts to “What? ANOTHER new project?”

  1. Potato farmer

    You were spot on with what i was thinking but the new series does look cool but if i pick it up im going to run into problems later >_>

  2. L

    Actually, i'm glad you picked up another project. There's few scanlators focused in this kind of stuff, so, the more each one can pick, the better.

  3. Archibald Meatpants

    If you got that much time to pick up a new series why don't you hurry the fuck up with vol.19 of Full Metal Sigma

  4. G

    No, that spread is goddamn gorgeous. Thanks for all the hard work. With Kotonoha down for the count, I really don't feel like there are many groups that would even touch works like these. I only wish I could hibernate for several years and come back to lots of translations. Even so, following manga has taught me to be a patient man. Just, please don't die on me.

  5. MrP

    We all love Kotonoha, maybe in the interests of posterity you could inherit all rounder Meguru too. Please!

  6. anon

    Rookies… I fucking love you <3 Are you also going to be doing the "extra chapter"?

  7. Falka

    soooo… more or less kotonoha is officially dead? Umibe no Onnanoko volume 2 🙁

  8. Silverblade

    Boichi is usually terrible when on his own (Hotel is sort of an exception to prove this rule), but paired up with an author, Raqiya might shape into something decent. Rookies though? This is going to be awesome. MrP, Silent Sky are already doing All Rounder Meguru right now. Releases do not come often, but regularly, and the quality is quite good.

  9. Caminante

    Your taste is superb! Kotonoha made some of the best scans. Thanks a lot!

  10. jojo

    With kotonoha gone, you guys are the only real seinen group left… 🙁

  11. el

    Gimme my SJG now!!!! Damn you guys 🙁 Really miss Kotonoha though 🙁 I bet they would've given SJG a little more love if they had worked on it 🙁

  12. ASH

    Thrilled to hear you'll be working on Rookies! I'd love to see it finally finished, perhaps even before the end of the year.

  13. Indiana Jones

    Thanks a bunch for all the hard and tireless work you've put in, GGpX. And the rest of your staff, too. Much appreciated. P.S. You've got some badass xdcc bots there, awesome.

  14. weeaboo

    Otsukaresama deshita!

  15. Cyborg

    Dem badass irc xdcc bots are badass.

  16. jack

    "Another new project? Again? Really? Go fuck yourselves, gimme my [insert other neglected series here], you assholes." It's like you read my mind…

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