Mother Sarah v11 End


I had written a nice post about the release, but I had a power failiure and everything was deleted. Way to go Hydro Quebec.

As usual, we’re searching for staff to help increase the release speed. If you’ve been following the group for a couple of years now, you’ll know we have two big releases coming up. One for the anniversary release & one for Christmas (and the subsequent week). So to make those releases as big as they can be, we need more staff. We’re looking for Editors, Translators and one experienced Typesetter & Quality Checker. If you’re interested in helping out, PM me on IRC.

Mother Sarah 11 End (!Sarah11 !Mother11) – First off, thanks to HappyScans! for providing the translation for the volume. The scans aren’t great because they were pub raws and based off of the French edition which had all of the SFX cleaned & typeset already, so I didn’t bother buying the Japanese volume. Not to mention the volume numbering from the French volumes to the Japanese volumes is different so I have no idea which Japanese volume I would have needed to buy. Regardless… Enjoy.

One Thought to “Mother Sarah v11 End”

  1. Ballard

    So awesome you guys finished this series. Thanks a shit ton for the hard work. You guys are freaking great.

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