Full Metal Panic Sigma v18

I’d just like to mention,

I don’t have an ETA because I don’t know how much time it’ll take me to typeset it, then I don’t know how much time the QC will take. It’ll be out before the end of July, 99% guaranteed.

is what I said.

As I’m writing this, it’s 22:45 PM on July 31st in Montréal. I understand that in some other places further our east that it’s August 1st already, and frankly I don’t care `-‘) Because if I was living in some hillbilly town in Eastern Europe like Riga (Hi Nitouryu broken heart) then it would have been released earlier because I would have had a full evening to wrap the volume up.

But on a more serious note 🙂

We’re continuously looking for more staff to increase the release frequency of our series. We’re looking for one experienced and active typesetter that can typeset either Shamo, Scientia, or some unreleased one volume mangas. We’re always looking for more redrawers for series like Suicide Island because frankly, there’s a shitload of redraws in that damn series.

If you’re interested, please PM me on IRC.

And now, the release.

Full Metal Panic Sigma 18 (!Sigma18 !FMPS18) – Welp, there’s one more volume to go. It goes for sale on September 22nd. An ETA for that? Yeah, that’s a little early. But for the time being, enjoy this volume because shit is going down, son!

Have a good one.

One Thought to “Full Metal Panic Sigma v18”

  1. S113

    Thank you guys for more FMP!

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