It’s Friday night, and I hope you’re all enjoying the upcoming weekend.
Today we have a pretty big release.
As usual, we’re looking for more staff. Redrawers, proofreaders, quality checkers. The more staff we get, the faster we can work on some series and pressure some of our translators to work faster If you’re interested in helping us, PM me on IRC or send me an email.
Koukou Tekken-den Tough v21-22 (!Tough21 !Tough22 !KKTT21 !KKTT22) – We’re officially past the half-way mark of the series! 22 volumes down, 20 volumes left! This is the first release we’re doing with a new cleaner of ours, Soujourn. Big thank you to him for stepping up and doing these two volumes. He’s also cleaned volume 23, and it’ll get done probably within the next 6 weeks… But no promises.
The reason we went with a two volume release is because, 1) This concludes the arc that was going on the last few volumes and 2) Sets up the mega arc, that goes from volumes 23 to half-way through volume 38. A total of roughly 185 chapters in length. Yeah, this is going to take a while.
Another good thing from these volumes? Two interviews with some of my favorite fighters ever. In volume 21, there’s Kazushi Sakuraba irca 1997, prior to his fight with Carlos Newton. And in volume 22, there’s the immortal Ernesto Hoost.
Update time!
Shamo v29 is translated. Thanks to oxymoron for translating, <3. However, we need a proofreader before I can typeset. Faster we get one, the faster we can start working on the volume. By the way, if your idea of proofreading is putting the script through Microsoft Word & looking for spelling mistakes, don’t waste my time.
Full Metal Panic Sigma v18 is translated (yay). It’s in the process of getting proofread before I start typesetting it.
We’re working on something by Toyoda Tetsuya and Igarashi Daisuke. Hopefully they’ll get done by mid-to-late July, but I’m not sure when.
I’ve started working on that new series with HappyScans!, expect a release in roughly a week or so.
That’s all for tonight. Goodnight.