Russian broke the site

Oi! Rusky! What’s wrong with the damn site? You damn drunk!

So I was supposed to make a post last night, but CuteNews was b0rked. Russian “fixed” it. Apparently I can’t bold shit anymore.

Here’s the release post.

Hito Hitori Futari 32-33 (!Hito32 !Hito33 !Hitori32 !Hitori33) – 4 down, 7 more to go I think.

Rookies 217 (!Rook217 !Rookies217) – You know, I re-read Rookies last week because I had to fact-check a few things for this chapter, and I came to this conclusion… How is this series not more popular than it is?

Suicide Island v6 (!Island06 !SI06) – This was a long time in the making. Blame Nitouryu 🙂 As usual, thanks to Death-Toll for their help on the volume.

Now that January is almost over, let’s see how active I’ll be in terms of scanlation work 🙂

2 Thoughts to “Russian broke the site”

  1. Alexander

    Get your shit together, ruski.

  2. Russky

    Russkie ovladevayut! 🙂

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