Oi! Rusky! What’s wrong with the damn site? You damn drunk!
So I was supposed to make a post last night, but CuteNews was b0rked. Russian “fixed” it. Apparently I can’t bold shit anymore.
Here’s the release post.
Hito Hitori Futari 32-33 (!Hito32 !Hito33 !Hitori32 !Hitori33) – 4 down, 7 more to go I think.
Rookies 217 (!Rook217 !Rookies217) – You know, I re-read Rookies last week because I had to fact-check a few things for this chapter, and I came to this conclusion… How is this series not more popular than it is?
Suicide Island v6 (!Island06 !SI06) – This was a long time in the making. Blame Nitouryu As usual, thanks to Death-Toll for their help on the volume.
Now that January is almost over, let’s see how active I’ll be in terms of scanlation work
Get your shit together, ruski.
Russkie ovladevayut!