Full Metal Panic Sigma v17


It’s been a few years in the making, but we’ve finally caught up to Full Metal Panic Sigma.

Full Metal Panic Sigma v17 (!Sigma17 !FMPS17) – Thank you to dh85, Kv9124 & illiteracy for QCing and to Yukio & laika for the numerous t/l checks. Much appreciated, guys. Now we’re just waiting for volume 18 to go for sale. We don’t know when that’ll be, but when it does we’ll get to work on it. There’s probably 2 more volumes left to go in the series, at the pace things are going now.

If I wasn’t strapped for time, I’d be making an “update” post on our other series. But alas, I need to shower and go to bed soon.

Good night.

11 Thoughts to “Full Metal Panic Sigma v17”

  1. Slothua

    woot wasn't prepared for a new volume but happy there is one out now

  2. TDS

    Thanks so much guys 🙂

  3. Cenit

    Thanks a lot. Congratulations on catching up. Now you can turn on the individual chapters already released … just kidding. I hope, Kadokawa and Ueda won't make us wait too long on those 2 remaining volumes. Anyway thanks and keep it up 😉

  4. Tsuba

    epic win!!! I hadn't had time to check the site for the last 2 weeks, I come today and tadaaa!!! FMP is released! \o/ Thank you guys, you did a great job, really 😉

  5. guruDS

    AWESOME!!! :w00t: Thanx guys for this excellent work! You made my day!!! Looking forward to vol.18 :laughing:

  6. Squall

    thanks guys was looking forward to this

  7. JuhaP

    Thank you. 🙂

  8. B1

    Many many thanks. I really enjoy getting the volume -at-once, it lets me become more immersed in the story. Only two volumes left eh? It's going to feel quite strange when this is finished.

  9. Riringo

    THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!! OTSUKARESAMAA DESHITAA.. oh my thank you…you made my day!!! 🙂

  10. Sabu113

    More FMP!!?!??! WOOT! Thanks Illuminati team!

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