Interesting developments

Another day, another release.

Hito Hitori Futari 24 (!Hito24 !Hitori24) – Okay, now we officially hit the halfway mark of the volume. Five more chaps and we’ll have the volume completed.

Suicide Island v5 (!SI05 !Island05) – Yeah, sorry about the delays. This took a little longer than expected. Thank you to the people in Death-Toll & in Tako Luka Scans for their help on the volume. I have a few things I need to work on before we start volume 6, but the whole volume is translated.

One of these days, I’ll make a “Projects Update” post…  Until then, see you later.

8 Thoughts to “Interesting developments”

  1. lembu

    :w00t: suicide island v5 thank you illuminati manga , Death-Toll & in Tako Luka Scans for the release

  2. goon


  3. Squall

    suicide island i love you guys no homo okay maybe a little

  4. Juan

    Thanks a lot. I'm sorry but how's "I Am a Hero"'s last volume doing?

  5. xyz85-mvb9

    Last volume isn't out yet. Probably around the end of this month will be released in Japan, then our usual delays 'n shit, let's say it should be done for sure around the first days of December (unless further delays come, that is).

  6. CCzkre3N

    Thank you so much for this release. I have been waiting for so long for this fix. Love you guys' work.

  7. Jay

    Thanks to all the people involved in Suicide Island!

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