Fuck… Something.


Today, a Joey Diaz special.

Joey Diaz is the fucking man.

So today, our release.

Waters v1-2 (!Waters1 !Waters2) – We’re releasing the full series of Waters by the author of Mushishi, Urushibara Yuki. This is an incredible manga. Very good & fitting art, great story, great dialogue. A must-read. A big thank you to Hox for translating the series and the folk at Scantily-Clad for purchasing the volumes for me & typesetting the two volumes.

Next release will be on July 23rd. Come see us on IRC then.

5 Thoughts to “Fuck… Something.”

  1. Peace Walker

    The whole series is 2 volumes?

  2. Peace Walker

    Pretty cool, started reading it yesterday. Thanks for the release, guys.

  3. Thebear

    Thank you Man for releasing this Series To the End. A thousand Thanks Brotha

  4. Guyl

    Thanks for the release! This was a great series, I really liked it!

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