So tradedaemon, our friend from Izumo no Ryuu and partners for Mercenary Pierre, asked us if we’d be interested in picking up Wolf Guy. Since I owed him a favor – he translated Garouden for us – I accepted.
And so, here’s our newest project, Wolf Guy.
Wolf Guy 75 (!Wolf75 !WG75)
One of these days I’ll make a post about goals for 2011, since we didn’t have a Dec 31st release this year.
See you.
PS. Fucking Russians. (See below)

-russians ᕙ(ᓐᓑᓒ)ᕗ
Just curious, what's your relationship with project bite-me scans? considering you picked up the manga at 75, and they did 72-74, (so it seems like you're taking over from them, not izumo). I was just wondering whether they were dropping it in favour of you, or if they've already dropped it. I'd hate it if you were to compete, because that seems to me a waste of resources. Thanks for the release anyhow. I'll always welcome more quality Wolf Guy.
They handed the project over.
Ah, that's great then. Thanks. Btw, what is "LOHS" meant to be?
Thank you! :tongue:
@Kuro From what I understood – and I really didn't bother asking all that many questions to the translator – was that the editor & proofreader from Bite Me had a falling out with the leader and decided to leave. The translator – tradedaemon – had already translated the first seven volumes for his own group (Izumo no Ryuu) before translating it for Bite Me Scans. He asked me if we could make it work under this group with the Editor & Proofreader who decided to leave Bite Me Scans, and we found a way. Those two will concentrate on doing Wolf Guy, and once we catch up to the tankobons (Volume 9 just went for sale and I already bought it) we might do a short side project. Remains to be seen.
Wolf Guy is one of my favorite manga :w00t: Thanks.
:w00t: Thank you very much!!! :w00t:
Thanks for this info GGpX 😎 Alex, WolfGuy is one of my favorites too :tongue:
@Kuro It's a curse name. Lets stay at that.
Thanks for the release :w00t: and for your hard work Dass Jennir, WolfGuy is one of my favorites too 🙂
umm how do i access your downloads? i really wana read wolf guy but i couldnt find the link.. =(
Go to irc and download from there 😉
Will Jackals be updated any day soon? I know it's a little of topic, but I was just wondering since it's been a while.
Yes, it will be updated. Most of v06 has already been preprocessed. I'm having a hard time with doublepages and full time job isn't helping.
ohh Sheeet!!! wolf guy!!! let me suck your balls thanks a lot, really, a lot.
2007-07-29 once this baby hits 88 mph, you're gonna see some serious shit. LOHS
Thanks so much for picking this up. This manga is my guilty pleasure. Go get 'em Inugami!
woo hoo you are the guys that are picking it up? AWESOME, i already follow u for holy this makes things nice XD
Really great to see the scanlations beeing continued, thanks. I can't wait for the other chapters, after all there are still… 9? 10? untranslated ones.
Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love this series
Should you guys drop it as well I’ll solo it. I’ve got some experience at cleaning Wolf Guy for Iryuu after all ;3
<3 you all!
Thank you so much for picking Wolf Guy up!! I love this series and love to see such a high quality scan group continuing it!
coming in here once every hour of every day the last week waiting for any new chapters of holyland…. and still only a stupid russian guy asking me if I'm mad… and the answer is; not yet. And thanks for wolf guy, really love that manga!!!
HAIL THE GREAT RUSSIA and thanks for translations, wolf guy is a great manhwa, one of my favorite.
@GodDamnBearman: Er … what? Both writer and illustrator are Japanese, the manga is published in Japan and in the Japanese language. How is Wolf Guy manhwa?
:w00t: :w00t: HOLY-Fraggin'-LAND! Puh-leeez! 😉
Guess he simply made a mistake Demut :tongue:
No releases for Holyland for a month((( and what about Suiside island – did you guys drop it?
Did we announce that we dropped it?
Cant wait for Holyland to come out. Im checking your site few times a day…
Holyland FTW! What happened to InR btw? Did they disband?