Let it snow, let it snow.

So today’s the long-anticipated Christmas release.

Like I said in one of the previous posts, we’re not releasing everything in one shot.

So stick around on IRC, why doncha?

And let’s go.

Battle Royale 2 ch19 (!BR19 !BR219)
Holyland 98 (!Holy98 !HL98)
Koukou Tekken-den Tough Volume 9 (!Tough09 !KTough9)

Enjokousai Bokumetsu Undou 01 (!Enjo01 !Stop01)
Full Metal Panic Sigma 35 (!FMP35 !Sigma35)
Sengoku 22 (!Sen22 !Goku22)

Boku to Issho 37 (!Boku37 !BTI37)
Holyland 99 (!Holy99 !HL99)
Koukou Tekken-den Tough Volume 10 (!Tough10 !KTough10)

Holyland 100 (!Holy100 !HL100)
Koukou Tekken-den Tough Volume 11 (!Tough11 !KTough11)
REAL Volume 10 (!REAL10 !REALv10)
Rookies 186-188 (!Rook186 !Rook187 !Rook188 !Rookies186 !Rookies187 !Rookies188)
Sengoku 23 (!Sen23 !Goku23)

I Am A Hero Volume 3 (!Hero03 !IAmA03)

And that’s all, folks. [66 chapters] Hope you enjoyed your Christmas.

32 Thoughts to “Let it snow, let it snow.”

  1. amy

    Thanks for the presents santa! <3

  2. JJack

    Thanks for the releases! Merry Christmas!

  3. Tom

    Thanks so much for Holyland, its amazing.

  4. random

    Merry Christmas, guys. Thanks for the releases, appreciated as always!

  5. god hand

    thanks for christmas release!!!

  6. el

    thanks for the present 🙂 I haven't heard anything about SJG in a long while now, how is it going with that=?

  7. dt

    Thanks for FMP sigma

  8. Ammy

    Yay, thanks for the releases and Merry Christmas to y'all 😀

  9. alia

    Thanks for Holyland! Happy holydays <3

  10. Dessembrae

    thanks for the full metal and keep up the good work ^^ and a merry Christmas to you all

  11. gary

    thanks in advance for sidonia /will be busy with boxing day shopping to comment

  12. Pyro

    chapter 100 of Holyland, congratulations and thanks =D

  13. wanga

    Thanks for the great 'presents'! I Am A Hero v3 yeah!!

  14. maxcmoi

    Thanks for Holyland 😀 😀 😀

  15. LeftArrow

    I am Hero is 216 pages… and 3 chapters of Holyland???! I can't wait to read them thanks!

  16. karakae

    Ahh I've been looking forward to a new volume of REAL, thank you! 🙂

  17. Glueballs

    Thanks the reader is awesome. The switching is so fast it kind of trips me out though.

  18. ben

    Thanks for the FML 🙂

  19. Kroon

    Thanks for all the releases :w00t:

  20. Alex

    Awesome. Thanks for Holyland and I Am A Hero Volume 3 :w00t:

  21. Andrei


  22. Jake

    Thanks for the FMP Sigma chapter.

  23. Pocket

    Thank you very much for Holyland and REAL! Just noticed how a volume was quite fast to read through 🙁 Oh and I don't know if you know about it, but the dates of the comments are off :blink:

  24. null

    Yeah, thanks for the new FMP! Sigma chapter — best christmas present ever! 🙂

  25. DamnedBones

    Thanks a lot for both "Sengoku" and "I Am a Hero"!

  26. el

    hahaha omfg holyland made me laugh so hard hahahaha thanks again for the releases

  27. j.c.

    Thank you for all these releases, especially Full Metal Panic Sigma chapter!! 😀 Happy Holidays!!

  28. mono

    very well done, thanks a lot 😀

  29. Arugo

    Thanks guys 😀 love the hard work you put into this ^^ — just wondering if Homunculus is still an active project? It's to date been about exactly one full year since a release (in 5 days) and while i do understand that you release volume-by-volume and at your own paces, its simply that this is uncommon even by your own established pace which makes me wonder :/ just asking for a status report, not so much a complaint (sorry if it comes off that way, simply really like this series)

  30. Deus_Gear

    Arugo: erm? The volume 11 of homunculus was released in november and before that we had releases throughout the year.

  31. Sabu113

    Thanks for the FMP Santa 😀

  32. DeathReaper

    Thanks for the new FMP chapter 😉

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