Holyland 82

Short and sweet today.

Holyland 82 (!Holy82) is released. We’re always looking for an additional Japanese -> English translator to increase the translation speed and some skilled editors to help the current cleaners.


8 Thoughts to “Holyland 82”

  1. doubleblah

    Man this is a good manga, refreshing to have something with realistic combat. Keep up the awesome work guys.

  2. mo|ly

    thanks for the reads

  3. piku

    I really enjoy the manga. I'm currently learning japanese at university and once I'm good enough I'd be glad to lend you guys a hand.

  4. Headog

    Thanks alot! I really enjoy this manga.

  5. Glusballs

    Thanks a lot

  6. Metsudragon

    @Pika: saw you said you're learning japanese at a university, gonna link you to Khatzumoto's site, he developed a method for learning japanese rapidly, though I'm adapting it to Mandarin http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/

  7. Nmansell

    Thanks for the release guys! I enjoyed the read.

  8. piku

    thank you metsudragon, seems to be quite interesting!

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