Long time coming, of sorts.

“Hello Peter.” is what a wise Russian once said.

What is wise about it, you may ask? Hell if I’d know.

So today… We have some releases. We didn’t get everything that we wanted out, but we got most of it out.

Boku to Issho 28 (!Boku28) – Visit and thank the people at MangaScreener when you have a chance.

Idiot Section Chief 04 (!Idiot04) – Chapter four, about joining a select club and fees. Very interesting.

Saru Lock 36-38 (!Saru36 – !Saru38) – This has been a long time coming. We’re releasing three chapters today, which means we only have two more chapters until the end of volume 04 and the current arc. The redrawing is still as difficult as always, so if you’re a skilled redrawer and want to help out… We’d greatly appreciate it.

Shonan Jun’ai Gumi 85-86 (!SJG85 – !SJG86) – Here are chapters 85 & 86 as things start to heat up. The current typesetter is on vacation so there’ll be a tiny delay for ch87.

That’s all for today.

6 Thoughts to “Long time coming, of sorts.”

  1. DS

    Thank you very much for the new Shonan Jun'ai Gumi releases 🙂

  2. dark mage

    Finally! Thanks alot for the Saru Lock 🙂 So found any translators for Holyland yet?

  3. Hayaku

    YES!!!! this made my day! also wondering about the status of holyland. Thanks guys ^-^

  4. Mad

    duuude, now i need SJG 87 sooooooo bad

  5. Holyland ni nairitai

    On april 1st, you said that the newest volumes of holyland and homunculus were on the irc. Could you possibly make them available for direct download?

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