Hi. Me again.
We’re currently looking for a translator for both Holyland and FMP Sigma.
We have no active translators on either series and we’re saddened by this. Seriously! Well technically there’s someone translating two chapters of Holyland as a favor, but he’s not available to translate the series full time because he has other commitments.
I would be willing to work out a joint with another group, as long as your translator(s) is capable and I don’t have to worry about iffy translations. Actually, if he can be a Grade B translator with MangaHelper’s Translator Rankings I’d be totally down with that.
Because I’ve bought the raws for Holyland up to volume 14 and I have the raws for FMP Sigma up to volume 10. I really do plan on seeing those through.
If interested, PM me via the forums/IRC or send me an email.
Thanks for reading, have a good one.
I hope you will find somenone reliable. Thanks for your effort!
Would love to see fmp:sigma in the future. Hopefully it won't be dropped due to a lack of translations Thanks for the update and hard work
Thank you for your hard work, too bad I can't be of any help since I don't know any japanese
I really hope to see these releases from you ^.^ Thanks guys 
Man I wish I could help but war/tech lingo from FMP is probably going to take me a million years. I'll be rooting for you guys though! Gambare!