Releases, January 14th 2010


Small release today.

We’re still looking for staff, mostly cleaners. And a SJG typesetter. And someone to help clean Homunculus Volume 11. So, as usual, if you’re interested in increasing the speed of the releases, help out by applying.

Sengoku ch21 (!Sen21) – Again, big thanks to l0ki for Editing this chapter. Not much else to add.

Shonan Jun’ai Gumi (!SJG81) – No, we didn’t suddenly started re-releasing because the other shitty group started releasing. Like I’ve said since December, we’ve been waiting on the scanner. It just so happens the scanner had someone in her family had deceased and had other priorities. Now that she’s back, we have some raws for SJG. We just got tired of the horrid webraws. Besides, 1,600 height px > 1,200. So assuming all goes well, 82 will be out in a few days.

3 Thoughts to “Releases, January 14th 2010”

  1. Nitouryu

    My deepest condolences to JoJo and her family at this critical time.

  2. Nity

    Thanks for Sengoku!

  3. L0ki

    You're welcome 😉

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