Holy-fuckin-land 58 (!Holy58) on irc.
While I was uploading release, something unusual happened, my phone rang. I know, I know for some of you this is an everyday thing, but it’s kind of a big deal for me.
– Yes. – I pick up the phone.
– Hello, good afternoon. – Young woman’s voice replies. Oh My GOD, my heart is starting to race like crazy.
– Hello? – I pretend to not catch her words the first time, just to hear her sweet voice again, trying to reach me from the distance.
– Hello, good afternoon. This is Alise calling. – Her voice sounds so seducing. I bet she’s a real beauty who uses lip gloss with strawberry taste! She is probably a secret admirer of me from my workplace or university and now she has gotten hands on my phone number and wants to take the first step by calling me directly. I wonder where should I take her at our first meeting, maybe a simple walk in the park where our hands would inevitably touch, she’d stare at me while wind plays with her hair, then blush and giggle a bit as I smile back at her.
– Hello. – I reply in my most manliest voice tone.
– I’m calling you to offer a digital TV package…
:crying: *pities nitty* I'd give you a real call!
Everytime you release a chapter of Holyland an angel gets their wings. Arigatou Nito
Today i had a tough day but with your story "Phone calls" you made my day. Hopefully next time you get a call from a real beauty.
Many thanks for your effort and your work!
I can't even begin to say how amazing it is that you can put out a chapter a day. You rock my world.
Thank you for the chapter today!!! You guys are awesome!
Thanks alot for the chapter. LoL you should have just asked her "do you come free with the package?"
Thanks, this manga rocks.
or "that's funny, cause I got a package for you too."
thanks for all the holyland releases, keep them coming.
thanks for the holyland release!!
thanks for the release… i'll give you a call if you give me your number :tongue:
/(- -)\ Oh man… That's fuked… lolz… (those synchronic moments) Thanks 4 doing Holyland. I've been following your scans 4 a while, now as well as elfen lied some time ago. U do excellent work with each chap/vol as usual. I'm a scanlator myself so I know what it's like. Keep it up. Hopefully I'll get back to Canada sometime soon. I'm sure sick of this stupid/finished country where I'm located now…