It’s Not Rape, It’s Surprise Sex

Anywhooo, we released Holyland c53, grab it from our irc channel(!Holy53).

Also, we might release a chapter of Holyland per day until the weather stops being so shitty and rainy at my place. 

From the bottom of my balls I swear, Be damned you Autumn! These days are just getting shorter and shorter, and when you come back home from a loooong day at work where that bitch of a Boss yelled at you for some shit you didn’t even do or had to do(whatever, not like it was more important than your Solitaire game).

Anyway, you come home when it’s already dark, noone awaits you(the flickering light in the passage alone is a huge mood killer), you get your frozen surprise food briquette and warm that puppy in microwave. Slowly pull your shit together, turn on TV, but then your attention is unknowingly grabbed by the tree leafs that struggle against the gutsy wind outside the window… your mind drifts off and brings up the inevitable question “When did I fuck this all up?!”

You listen, listen as hard as you can, but can only hear wind scraping the window, you stand up and go over to open it… all those people down there, nothing but ants in streets mud .. could crush them with your feet. Your hand reaches into pocket and fishes out smokes.. ah yes! one of the life’s few pleasures.

While taking a few steps away from the window to make a run at it, you know God damn well – this is your final resolv.. And Then The Cage Comes Down!!! … With Japanese Fighting Spiders Inside! And your old elementary mathematics teacher jumps out from the bathroom, with a cigarillo pointing out of the corner of her mouth and you kill her with a spear!

And you never forget that shit, it just never goes away, you know.

Post Scriptum: I also think we need a JP->EN translator for Holyland to work on the next volumes. Anyone?

12 Thoughts to “It’s Not Rape, It’s Surprise Sex”

  1. Emuchan

    Have you ever thought about becoming a Film Noir script writer? Anyway a hole bunch of thanks from my side for the new chapter!

  2. afi

    Great chapter. Thank You for the hard work. However I think the Story was equaly interesting. By the way. How did You end up killing your math teacher with a spear? I think You should get yourself a sandbag or something and just let your anger out. Works great for me.

  3. df

    any news/update on the release of full metal panic sigma? thanks

  4. Klamz

    Yay! Thanks for another Holyland Chapter, the story is getting amazing! I am looking forward to your future releases

  5. Kaz

    Thanks for Holyland! And this story about fighting spiders is amazing too.

  6. fan

    Thanks a lot for the new chapter of Holyland!

  7. Dille

    I checked the weather forecast for the next three days… and guess what… two of them are going to bee rainy. So I'm expecting two new Holyland chapters :tongue:

  8. dark mage

    Thanks alot for the chapter. You need to do what I do, go to a nearby Gym, straight from work, and sweat your stress off and then go home, you are gonna be too tired to think about anything else other than sleep 😉

  9. mark

    thank you so much for the new holyland, please release more!

  10. chimera

    Thank you so much for Holyland! Good luck life, I know it may suck some times. In the end, when you look back, you will only see happy things 😀

  11. Joliame

    You wake to find your cigarette still burning on the edge of the night-stand, snuffing it out in the overflowing ashtray you greet the morning with a lung butter filled cough that rings around the empty, dirty walls. Work is pending but the urge for coffee is strong as the taste of your own breath, its' scent matches your work clothes which you fell asleep in. Fuck it, no time to wash them. Cloud yourself with Tag body spray; brush your teeth, light another smoke take in the filthy habit and the city smog. The car is cold as is the metal of the seat-belt, one last sigh before your day starts all over again. Work, here i come. Yeah, had a few days like like myself.

  12. Nitouryu

    Touche, Joliame.

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