New releases.


New releases today.

Holyland 51 !Holy51 & Sengoku 18 !Sen18

We currently have one active proofreader. And even then, she isn’t all that active.

So, we’re looking for 1-2 more (And various other staff). We have demanding criteria;

1) Very, very good English knowledge.
2) Need to be on irc. If you can’t idle for many hours a day on irc, don’t apply.
3) You’ll work on all projects, not 1-2 specific projects.
4) Have a sense of humor. Because, you’ll be made fun of and be the butt-end of jokes, guaranteed.

So yeah, apply on the forum if interested.

Have a good one~

7 Thoughts to “New releases.”

  1. Justme

    Thanks for holyland ch.50-51 :laughing:

  2. Ahmed

    what do you mean by IRC :p and when you said "work on all projects", how many projects are there :/ please send me more info to my e-mail 😀 thanks… p.s. im interested 😮

  3. JustMe

    Whats there not to get? You are in the Internet, then use it. IRC – All Projects –

  4. dark mage

    Thanks for the Holyland chapter

  5. Tanbakudan

    I'd apply if I can choose to just proofread ONE project lol. I came here to find out why Kamen Teacher hasn't gotten any new release, but then again, I have quite a hectic school life so I'm just not fit for this proofreading job D: Thanks for your hard work though

  6. Mark

    As always thanks for the releases.

  7. Justme

    thanks for holyland!! :laughing:

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