Welcome back, illiteracy~

Hi. illiteracy recently came back to the group, and everyone is just so happy to see him. He even gave us a nice present with Die Quarry Proie (!DQP) to release. 🙂

Die Quarry Proie is another oneshot from the awesome Mandala magazine. If only that magazine had less redraws… Sigh. Well, we’ll try to do some more series from it. If you’re a good color cleaner, please help us out ._.

Also, we have Shonan Jun’ai Gumi 75 for you. Trigger is !SJG75 on IRC.

Always looking for new staff, so please apply here. No experience required.


3 Thoughts to “Welcome back, illiteracy~”

  1. me me

    please do a new holyland scan i cant wait for it

  2. Edu

    Please, end Elfen Lied! I can't wait to read the end of this wonderful manga!!!

  3. Nitouryu

    Holyland – Soon to come, we are steadily working on it(Same for Saru), but lack of redrawers is slowing things down for us. Elfen Lied – Will be released as a volume. I think it\'s in the QC phase.

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