13 Thoughts to “Lonely Holyland ch36”

  1. Danny040

    Man I've been waiting for this…I like the series so much I downloaded the rest of the RAWs. So the reason you guys took so long was because you guys didn't have a translator? No wonder…it was a whole month. Anyway, hope you guys release on a weekly basis or something since Holyland is already finished.

  2. antifon

    We hope that too, but… yes, we do not have a permanent translator for this series, so… :< Help us out…

  3. Peter

    thanks for the release! Is it me or did the sentences sometimes seem awkward or was that intentional? I hope you guys get a translator soon, it's a shame that I can't help though.

  4. gwenn

    Heyyyy!!!! So great release today! My lucky day thanks to you!!!!

  5. sleepy

    Great job guys =] , this has made my day.

  6. SaLaHaDiN

    It's great that u are translating this crazy shit :laughing: Good Job Illuminati 🙂

  7. dv8ed

    Wow I read this series a while back and I'm so glad you guys are continuing it. Can't wait for the next scan!

  8. vaidas852

    :crying: so sad a manga like this translated so slow (and crap like naruto is translated few hours after publishing thats just not fare ) but still thanx a lot for doing what u can guys . Really for some people u are heroes 🙂 keep it up

  9. blah

    Man.. That is really awful that such a good manga is being ignored (well by translators). Thank you so much for keeping up the hard work.. I really am interested in what happens next. >_< Thank you so much you guys!!

  10. Burnt

    Great job :laughing: I hope you find a translator too bad my japanese is bad 🙁

  11. Zed143

    I Have been waiting for this. Such a brilliant manga, wish it would be translated faster, it seems like a waste.

  12. Al

    Keep up the good work.

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