Elfen Lied 88

Sorry, been busy this weekend.

Available via IRC as always. Trigger is !EL88 – I will also be adding a volume pack of v10 later tonight for those who want to catch up.


Volume packs of 9 & 10 are up. Triggers are !EL09 & !EL10.

In case you’re wondering, I don’t have a volume pack of Vol8 yet. The reason is, the volume isn’t complete. There’s still a 20 page special left to be done. It’s filled with shitty redraws in it, so it’ll probably be done near the end of volume 12.


5 Thoughts to “Elfen Lied 88”

  1. Djay

    Bon chapitre, merci encore pour vos releases d'EL en esp

  2. Translating

    ^— "Good chapter, thank you again for your releases of EL and I hope that you will go until the end of the project."

  3. GGpX

    On devrait. Les choses vont bien ces jours

  4. Dark Day

    Hi! I think that your releases are very nice and i like Riki-oh and Mercenary Pierre a lot, but i'm going crazy because you have stopped Kenichi that i think is your best scanlation. I know that the guy that translate it had exhams and now is resting (even because is summer…girls, fun, etc) but i hope that when you'll work again on Kenichi you don't give us another big stop like this. Thanks for your works guys!

  5. AvS

    Another translation is 11 chapters ahead… 🙁

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