The Christmas releases have all gone out. I would like to take the time to congratulate ourselves on releasing our 400th chapter with Abara volume 2. I hope that by next Christmas we’ll have released over 600 chapters! Special congrats to #k-manga on getting 1,003 people in their room at one single time. That’s pretty amazing. It’s almost like a fansubbing group on Rizon. Good job~
Also, special thanks to the following people: (In no specific order)
-Amaru (For providing me with an extra bot for the xmas releases)
-richvh & methanol (For their help with translation clarifications and overall patience with my bullshit)
-Kuthrow (For essentially QCing everything I threw at him, I think he QCed 75% of what we released today in December)
-illiteracy (For the tough redraws I always make you do. You rock <3)
And finally, Digital_Eon. To which I appologize for making fun of you a few weeks ago. You saved me this last week with your hard work, and I thank you for it.
Thanks to all of the staff who worked on the releases and have a Merry Christmas with your family (Or whomever you’ll be spending it with).
Not much of a release as much as it is making a volume pack with chapters:
Riki-Oh Volume 01 – !Riki01
Shonan Jun’ai Gumi Volume 07 – !SJG07
Abara Volume 01 !Abara1
Abara Volume 02 !Abara2 *
History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi Volume 10 !HSDK10 or !Ken10
Manhole Volume 02 Chapter 13 !Man13 or !M13
* This includes the oneshot at the end of the volume, Digimortal Part 1 & 2.
Holyland Volume 02 Chapter 17 !Holy17 or !H17
Koukou Tekken-den Tough Volume 01 !ToughHQ (1,600 Height) or !ToughLQ (1,200 Height)
Riki-Oh Volume 2 Chapter 10 !Riki10 or !R10
Alternative Downloads from a Bot.
Battle Royale: Blitz Royale 2 Volume 1 Chapter 9 !BR9 or !Battle9
Full Metal Panic Volume 05 Chapter 27 !Full27 or !FMP27
Holyland Volume 02 Chapter 18 !H18 or Holy18
HSDK Volume 11 Chapter 90 !HSDK90 or !Ken90
Shonan Jun’ai Gumi Volume 08 Chapter 63 !SJG63 or !Junai63
Alternative Downloads from a Bot.
Holyland Volume 02 Chapter 19 !H19 or !Holy19
HSDK Volume 11 Chapter 91 !HSDK91 or !Ken91
Manhole Volume 2 Chapter 14 !Man14 or !M14
Riki-Oh Volume 2 Chapter 11 !Riki11 or !R11
Alternative Downloads from a Bot.
Holyland Volume 02 Chapter 20 !Holy20 or !H20
HSDK Volume 11 Chapter 92 !HSDK92 or !Ken92
Manhole Volume 2 Chapter 15 !Man15 or !M15
Riki-Oh Volume 2 Chapter 12 !Riki12 or !R12
Shonan Jun’ai Gumi Volume 08 Chapter 64 !Junai64 or !SJG64
And finally… Our last release of the night with the wonderful people of Oishii-Manga…
Elfen Lied Volume 09 Chapter 80 !EL80 or !Elf80
If the downloads are slow or you’re waiting in queue, download from another bot by clicking here.
That’s all, folks. Enjoy. Merry Christmas~
(starts begging) plz let it be elfen lied 80
…Maybe. Stick around the IRC chat and you'll see.
…GGpX, you know that "maybe" usually means "yes", right?
Thanks alot releasing kenichi
wow. just wow. you guys at illuminati are very classy individuals. of course, the same goes for the guys at k-manga. thanks a bunch and merry christmas
I said it on IRC and I need to say it again – I love you. Battle Royale and whole volume of Tough, that's just awesome xmas present
Thanks! Love Kenichi! You guys are awesome!
Great job guys, you killed manga-download
yes! its elfen lied :laughing: great job ^^