In memory of Buichi Terasawa

Morning, everyone.

Cobra v17 (!Cobra17) – As some of you may have heard, Buichi Terasawa died a few days ago. He’s the author of Space Adventure Cobra.

It happens to be more coincidence than anything else, but we weren’t far away from finishing volume 17 and we figured, seems like as good of a day as any.

Enjoy these people while they’re still around.

Have a good one.

One Thought to “In memory of Buichi Terasawa”

  1. Fernando

    And he continued doing Cobra until his last years. It’s incredible how he was able to create this story at just 21 years old. He mixed James Bond, spaghetti westerns, Star Wars and some other things depending on the story of the chapter or chapters that corresponded, and he did it in a magnificent way. How good it is to be able to read the manga thanks to you, guys.

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