I finished my yoga marathon

I do hot yoga from time to time and in May, the studio I frequently visit had a “Challenge Month” for those who had certain passes. So, since it was a challenge, I decided, I’ll go every single day. With the exception of one Saturday where I felt like I was on death’s door for 24 straight hours, I went every day for a total of 33 classes in 30 days. Last night I did two classes and I can reaaaaally feel it in my legs. But that being said, I have to hurry up because I have a class in an hour and a half.

Dog Soldier 18 (!Dog18) – This concludes volume 5 of Dog Soldier, only seven more volumes remaining. Like with all things Saruwatari, if there weren’t any redraws, we would have finished this a long, loooong time ago. But unfortunately, redraws are part of the deal and I live with them. We have v06 in the process of being cleaned, but the redraws make me want to cry. A big, big thank you to an OG of this group illiteracy for helping out on the redraws. As usual, thank you to Hokuto no Gun & HappyScans! for their help on the series. Go visit them.

I doubt chapter 19 will be done for next Saturday, but eh. We’ll see if I can pull something out of my ass.

Have a good one!

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