Updated Website, open comments et cetera!

Our longtime staffer DeusGear (he was right there when the group was formed in the bowels of stoptazmo forums) is handing me over the webmaster keys to the site and is fully retiring from the group. So thank you Drunk Rusky for all the work in the early blunder years with download links, forums and website upkeep. It’s been great working together, although lets be real, you were kinda lazy when it came to cleaning. Be safe (when going to Russia)!

In news of that – we did some moving and in the process of moving decided to make some changes to the website. Our previous model of Blog+Forum with mandatory registration didn’t work out in terms of user activity, so we scrapped it.

In short, here are the changes:

  1. Inactive forum was deleted.
  2. We have moved to a Blog-only system – you can leave a comment in our posts anonymously or by logging via WordPress.com, Google+, Twitter or Facebook.
  3. Similarly, now in our Projects page, you can leave a comment under every individual project.
  4. Comments support Markdown formatting, if you want to add some flair to what you have to say, here is how https://en.support.wordpress.com/markdown-quick-reference . There is also a 5 minute grace where you can edit already posted comment.
    Not sure if there will be any change in activity, but Hey… at least now comments are open for commenting without registration.
  5. IRC page is fixed and allows you to visit our IRC channel without having IRC client software. Now you can quickly pop-in and give us an earful. For downloading releases via IRC you still need to obtain a real IRC client (HexChat, mIRC, XChat).
  6. A little thing called “Thank You” button has been introduced. If you appreciate what we do or like the post – click it. Top right corner. Go on, click it!
  7. As a side-note I recovered some 130 news posts, previously lost due to site moving or failed backups. Now our website’s archive is complete.

Let me know what you think. All 5 of you, who still come by.

laika revised translation in Hanashippanashi v02 and also bumped resolution to 2400px. If you are interested, grab the new version from irc or reader.

6 Thoughts to “Updated Website, open comments et cetera!”

  1. dh85

    First one to click the thank you button. That was an intense emotion. Thank you Nitto <3

  2. Artem

    Thank you guys for keep working and releasing manga.
    I am especially grateful for Alice in hell.

  3. killiz

    3rd one! Thanks and still waiting for chapters eagerly!

  4. Krin

    Glad you guys are still here..this group still produces the highest quality scans ever

  5. BerserkerDog

    Thanks for your work!

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