Mondays with Alice — Week 8

Start of the Fifth Alice volume and also start of a new 2 volume series — A Diffusion Disease by Oda Hideji.
It’s presumambly Hideji’s masterpiece, or so people say. There is no real way to give it a proper summary, you are just gonna have to read it. As GGpX himself noted when being asked for a comment: “Can’t really think of anything tbh.
It’s Oda Hideji just read it, don’t be difficult.

Find them on our irc channel or reader:
Alice in Hell v05c30 (!Alice30)
A Diffusion Disease (!ADD01)

One Thought to “Mondays with Alice — Week 8”

  1. leonearmato

    Thank you for bringing a manga by Oda Hideji. I really liked Coo’s World and I am very interested in this other one.
    Also glad to hear dh85’s back. Old boozer <3

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