Mondays with Alice — Week 3

Well this is it!
Summer is over. Hello 9 °C and moisty cold wind. My T-shirts and shorts are all washed and safely tucked away till next year. Hope you didn’t waste that last warm week sitting inside, watching animes and playing games.. I didn’t.
If you live in one of those all-year-sunny latitudes let it be known, nobody up here in the north likes you and your smug hawaii shirt.

Alice in Hell v04c25 (!Alice25) — Grab it from our irc. Special thanks to tim, I don’t know how he finds those perfect fonts, but he does and makes it all look so seamless. In this chapter there are bubbles where half of the text was already done in English by mangaka, and other half was typeset. See if you can find them.

2 Thoughts to “Mondays with Alice — Week 3”

  1. capsaicin

    “The rifle Shuu receives is not an L85/SA80, a British Assault rifle, but rather the British sniper rifle the L96/AW or L115/AWM (popularly portrayed in Counter Strike as the AWP)”

  2. Nitouryu

    Yes indeed, a very sharp observation. I have updated it to L96A1.

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