wao so much stuff waaaooo


(This isn’t quite what I promised last time around, because we weren’t able to finish that yet, but it’s coming. I think. …I hope.)

Alice in Hell v03 (!Alice03) – It’s been a long time since the last chapter of Alice. A big thank you to ckrit for picking up the translations and a big thank you to yam for the editing.

Legend of Giants (!LOG) – A joint with our man Hox, go say hi to him, on yet another Hoshino Yukinobu project. This is our second Hoshino project together and most likely not the last! We have some plans for another series of his in the future. Legend of Giants was the first thing Hoshino Yukinobu published back in 1975. It was originally just the first two stories, but with companies re-publishing his works, Shogakukan added two extra short stories to it when they re-published it in 2011.

Sasori 15 (!Sasori15) – A big thank you as always to the people at HappyScans for their help, go pay them a visit.

And now my list of people pissed off with me grows slightly smaller, and smaller…

6 Thoughts to “wao so much stuff waaaooo”

  1. kelval

    Thanks for the Alice chapters that I read on batoto. Keep it up.

  2. shikinokurai

    Thank you so much for Alice.

  3. Ishitori

    wao \o/
    I finally registered so I could say thanks. But then the confirmation never came through. So I cried and cried, and then gave up forever. Then there was another update, so I tried to register again. But it said I was registered. So I reset my password, and mysteriously, that mail came through. So anyway, I came to say thanks for the thing before, AND I will say thanks for this too. And anything in the past, present, or future, forever. Amen.

  4. Dave

    Yatta! New Alice chapters. Thank you for the great work.

  5. BodiedPillow

    Holy shit thank you guys so much! So happy that this is back underway, I really enjoy this title.

  6. Daigo24

    Hi GGpx, i write to you to say thanks for the Inherit the starts chapters. itโ€™s amazing!!, but iโ€™m worried about chapter 13 , please , can you tell me when you publish the chapter 13? ๐Ÿ˜€

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