Just wrapping some stuff up

What? Two release in a little over a week?

Who do you think you are, active!?

Well, kind of I guess. ?_?

As usual, we’re looking for staff! We’re in big need of some redrawers, cleaners/editors and translators. We want to do a lot of stuff but we’re lacking in man power. Today’s releases are all things that have been dragging along and if we hadn’t been undermanned, we probably would have released these months ago (no exaggeration). But alas, lack of staff means the stuff we work on gets out slower.

I currently have two volumes that are in the final steps of typesetting (SFX remain, which I’m getting my homeboy tim to do because fuck SFX man. Hate ’em.) before QC. One of the series is contains the final volume to said series & the other one will have us up to date with the volume releases in Japan. You could probably deduce rather quickly which two projects I’m talking about if you look at our projects page and do some checking on MU.

So if you want to help out, email me at gaminggodp at gmail dots com – if you have experience, please include some psd files of work with redraws you’ve previously done – or PM me on IRC. Faster I get additional staff, the faster we can work on some more kickass stuff. And trust me, I’ve got tons and tons of kickass stuff scanned that needs staff.

Onto the releases!

Alice in Hell 17 (!Alice17 !AIH17) – First chapter in a little while. Has some interesting developments. Hopefully with the release of two of his projects, I can motivate the translator to stop his eroges and translate πŸ™‚

Hepatica v02 (!Hepatica02 !Misu02) – The conclusion of possibly one of our grimmest, darkest titles we’ve done since the group has opened up shop. A big thank you to Matto24 for cleaning it, grazie & forza Azzuri! …Does that make sense? It’s my poor attempt at Italian. In any case…

Seven Little Sons of the Dragon (!SevenD !7D) – We were supposed to do this series as a joint with Blue Flor, but working with them didn’t exactly work out, so we continued the project on our own & they did the same too. This is the last project a former editor of ours, Schpeidermann, cleaned over a year ago. We’re very grateful for all he did for us and fingers crossed, maybe he’ll get the itch to come back one day. πŸ™‚

That’s all for today, mate. Have a good one.

3 Thoughts to “Just wrapping some stuff up”

  1. Dave

    Thanks for the great release!

  2. Marc

    Thank you ! I was eager to finish Hepatica.
    Unfortunately the pages of the vol2 won’t load, could it be it is still on upload?

    EDIT: fixed πŸ™‚

  3. arpad

    Thank You Illuminati for consistently choosing manga, like Hepatica, that is at once challenging , different, but ultimately a fantastic book, not to mention the fact that is nothing like it on the mainstream book shelves.
    The translation and the overall production quality of your projects are amazing! It is nothing but pleasure to read an Illuminati scanlation, even a sad story like Hepatica.
    Thank You, despite all the challenges , for continuing to bring us these great books, that would otherwise remain only available to the japanese speaking
    A forever loyal fan, and occasional contributor.

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