“They say that a HERO can save us”

-Chad Kroeger

Oh hey.

That’s a pretty terrible song, huh?

So a big thank you goes out to Ruroni for hooking us up with an ftp. Love you buddy.

We’re still looking for more staff. Translators, redrawers and cleaners. The more of those we get, the faster we can release what we’re working on and God knows, I have a lot of stuff that’s been scanned & waiting for someone to work. If you want to help out, contact me via IRC or via email, gaminggodp at gmail dot com

Heroes (!Heroes !BikiniPanda) – An all color oneshot by Asano Inio, author of Nijigahara Holograph & Solanin. About a bunch of heroes, but my main girl, Bikini-Panda-chan is awesome. Worth a read.

The Hard (!Hard02 !TheHard02) – Another chapter of Saruwatari madness. Enjoy.

Have a good one!

One Thought to ““They say that a HERO can save us””

  1. axtl789

    Thought from the title that it was an I am a Hero update D;

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