Need a new FTP


So since we do releases once a month now from the look of things, I’ll have to make more annoying requests. 🙂

We’re looking for a new FTP host. Our previous host had to shut down his site and now we’re stuck looking for someone new to host us. We have roughly ~200 gigs of stuff (~150gigs of raws, seriously) that we need hosted.

We’re also looking for more staff (as usual), specifically Translators and Redrawers. An extra Quality Checker would be dandy as well. Those are big needs for us right now to increase our speed. There’s another person that emailed me last week about being proofreading and I haven’t had the chance to answer yet because everything’s booked up. Already have someone on everything we have translated.

So if you think you can help out, PM me on IRC or send me an email at gaminggodp at gmail dot com – and don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t answer right away, I’ve just got my hands full with a thousand things.

Now, for the releases. A big thank you to laika & tim for all of their work on these, they did a lot of work and they’re bad motherfuckers.

News of Transformation (!News !Trans) – A collection of short stories by Miyazaki Natsujikei, the author of There’s Nothing Wrong With Me. All of these stories have kind of a dark side to ’em, but they’re still good— The only exception is the Emily story. I hated that ass-faced hooker.

Shamo v32 (!Shamo32 !Coq32) – Well, this took a lot longer than I thought it would. The paper for the volume made the leveling pretty annoying to clean because every time we leveled the pages, the greys would get destroyed, so we had to be gentle.

Anyway, some news for Shamo. Shamo ended in Japan back in Febuary, with volume 34 being the final volume I believe. I have not seen v34 yet, but I did buy it and it’s on the way.

Second thing is, we’re going to re-do volume 19. Why just volume 19? We’re not re-doing them because the previous scanlators were mostly terrible, because we’d have to re-do all of the volumes. The reason is, there are (if I remember correctly) four chapters from that volume that were never scanlated. So I’m going to buy the volume & scan it and we should have it done before (or at the same time) we finish the final two volumes. We’ll see.

Tetsuo The Bullet Man (!Tetsuo !BulletM) – Another volume that took us way longer to do than we ever thought. This is a volume we were hoping to release for Christmas 2013. Yeah, it’s been a while. Between having dh85 disappear and leaving us in limbo (he had the cleans and he finally uploaded them one day) and then saying it was all done only to realize it was only half done, well we had a lot of annoying issues. In any case, it’s finally done and you can finally rejoice.

The Hard (!Hard01 !TheHard01) – Another Saruwatari series, hell yeah! This makes me a happy, happy white guy. My favorite author drawing a lot of violence. I approve.

It’s late, I need to go to bed. (Hey, don’t forget to apply!)

See you!

3 Thoughts to “Need a new FTP”

  1. Dave

    Thanks for the releases!

  2. Fairy


    Thanks for your work :3

  3. xfera


    Thanks for releasing Shamo Vol 32

    Are there any download links for all the volumes of Shamo?


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