Hepatica v01


We’re a little late. Again. I bet you’re shocked.

As usual, we’re looking for more staff. Especially picture editors. The more staff we can get, the more work we can get done, especially considering this is the busy season with the group anniversary coming up & Christmas. So PM me on IRC or email me.

Today’s release.

Hepatica volume 01 (!Hepa01 !Misu01) – We’ve been dragging our feet a little with this one, but whatever. It’s out now. This is a tragic story about a little girl stuck in a shitty world. That’s really the best way I can put it. It’s dark, it’s grim, it’s cruel, it’s harsh, it’s bloody. Give it a read. As usual, a big big thank you to our translator momimomi for doing this series. Here’s hoping we can get to work on v02 in the coming weeks.


3 Thoughts to “Hepatica v01”

  1. Dave

    Thank you very much.
    I really like Oshikiri Rensuke’s works.

  2. MazMaz

    I hope the readers are going to enjoy the mindless gore as much as we did. 😉

  3. GranEspada

    Really really good! I enjoyed every drop of blood drawn in the volume. These kids deserve it, strongly and deeply. Thank you for the work, Every release you do is amazing!!

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