It’s Christmas eve and shit, yo.

Before I write anything else, $5 to whoever can find that damn Latvijan who’s keeping half of the chapters to himself!

Nitouryu I miss you ;_;

So Merry Christmas to all of you, I hope you’ll be enjoying yourselves in whatever way you believe in convenient.

We’ve been uploading more stuff these recent days onΒ Illum. On top of that, we’ve also placed it in a couple of rooms for people to give more access to other people. We’ve been uploading some TV stuff, a couple of movies, a few TV series here & there. We’ll continue to upload more stuff as time goes on. It is first and foremost a secondary distro bot for us, but it is also a recommendation bot with additional things that the staff enjoyed. We have a very large variety of manga from multiple groups over the years.Β You can check the packlist by clicking here.


Eight v04 End (!Eight04 !Eight042400 !Huit04 !Huit042400) – The conclusion to Eight. A big, big thank you to eito for doing the large bulk of the work on this series. It was greatly appreciated. The triggrs with the “2400” at the end are for the high resolution versions at 2,400 height.

Master Keaton ch21-24 (!Keaton21 !Keaton22 !Keaton23 !Keaton24 !MK21 !MK22 !MK23 !MK24) – This concludes volume 2, which means we have 2 volumes out of 12 done! Houray! We’ll be re-doing chapters 1-4 eventually. Thanks as usual to HappyScans! for their help on the series.

Shamo 27-28 (!Shamo27 !Shamo28 !Coq27 !Coq28) – And we’re back up to date with Shamo. Thank you Mr. zindryr for the help on the series, and hopefully we’ll find a permanent translator for the series sometime soon.

Temple of El Alamein (!Temple !UPYOURBROWN) – Another oneshot collection by the great Hoshino Yukinobu. I guarantee you that you’ll be seeing some more series of him from us in 2013. He makes too much good stuff to just ignore and pass up.

In any case, it’s 6:30, I haven’t eaten dinner yet and I’m hungry, so I’m off.


18 Thoughts to “It’s Christmas eve and shit, yo.”

  1. Anonymous

    Merry Christmas Illuminati-Manga, this is one hell of a birthday present.

  2. Ach

    Shamo volume 28? !!!!!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: thanks for the releases!

  3. Kazu

    hello Illuminati I am kazu co leader of happy scans was wondering if you could send me Keaton Wright is out on a trip for 10 days and I am in charge of happy for those 10 days so if you could that be nice as I don't know how to download off your Irc sincerly yours Kazuhiko of happy scans my email for contact purposes

  4. kudos

    thanks for your releases πŸ™‚ happy holidays!

  5. zamunda

    Merry Christmas and thanks for your efforts πŸ™‚ (wonders if GGPX will make some delicious cake :P)

  6. Falka

    umm,ggpx, how did u convert .zip to .cbz? manually renaming the extension (.zip > .cbz/.rar > cbr) or there is some software that can do batch converting? i have many of your release that still in .zip. thanks. sorry for my poor english

  7. Phaedris

    @Falka Just open command prompt and use "for /r "C:\MyManga" %G in (*.zip) do ren "%~G" *.cbz" Obviously change C:\MyManga to whatever directory you want.

  8. batman

    WOW! Merry Christmas and thank you for the release of Shamo vol. 28! Any idea when Shamo vol. 29 will be released in Japan?

  9. Squall

    No suicide island ಠ_ಠ

  10. Anonymous

    So, that manga Hoshino Yukinobu mentions receiving from a critic in his afterward – anybody else assume he's referring to Gomanism Sengen? Anyways, while "National Shame" was quite an abrupt departure in tone from the previous stories, I still enjoyed the entire collection immensely. Thank you, and I hope you all have had a merry Christmas!

  11. zindryr

    @Anonymous The one he is referring to is Shin Sensouron Gomanism Sengen, yep. He didn't want to name it outright, but that is the one. It's based on On War by Carl von Clausewitz.

  12. GGpX-

    @batman I think Febuary, but nothing official as of yet. @Squall Yeah, sorry 'bout that. If Nitouryu had shown up & uploaded it, we would have released it. But alas he didn't, and here we are…

  13. shuya

    No Tough!? πŸ™

  14. Falka

    @Phaedris thanks, i'll try it

  15. batman

    @GGpX awesome, can't wait!

  16. xanga

    Thanks for the releases and hope to see FMP sigma follow up soon.

  17. Anonymous

    Any luck getting a translator for Real?

  18. Ganner_Rhysode

    OH THANK YOU for Shamo!! Seriously, this was the best christmas gift for me!!

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