Same stuff as usual.
Recruitment staff, contact me. Need some Editors and some Translators to help out. The more we get, the more we can release. By the way, I’m not always the fastest when it comes to replying to applications, so please be patient with me.
Illum has shitload of good stuff, check it out.
Hito Hitori Futari 25 (!Hito25 !Hitori25) – More developments! Uh oh~
Rookies 214 (!Rook214 !Rookies214) – Bad news is, the fucking Yankees won. Fuck the Yankees. Go visit Deadbeat-Scans and tell them that you’re happy for some baseball, even if it’s starting to get cold outside.
Thank you again for HHF! I await each chapter with baited breath, it's such a good series. I love the direction it's taking!