
So yeah, it’s January 24th and we have some releases.

I’d like to mention;

1- Big thank you to darknova, a new applicant, for helping us out on  these Holyland chapters. Moral of the story is, to increase the speed of releases for our scanlations, we need more staff. And seeing as there have been people applying and actually sticking around, we’re getting work done. So, what are you waiting for? Apply! Read point #2.

2- That being said, we need one Typesetter for Shonan Jun’ai Gumi and one Quality Checker, among other things. Because the thing is, we only have a single Typesetter and a single Quality Checker, so we’re spread very thin there.

Let’s get cracking.

Boku to Issho ch25 (!Boku25) First chapter of the third volume, a joint with MangaScreener per usual.

Holyland ch72-73 (!Holy72 & !Holy73) This concludes the fight between Taka & Yuu, with a sweet looking double page. Hey, those of you who do color pages, color that fucking double and send it to me via email or just link it in this post from tinypic or imageshack.

Idiot Section Chief ch01 (!Idiot01) This is a gag series with the chapters being ~6-8 pages each. We’re doing this as a side project, with inconsistent releases.

Shonan Jun’ai Gumi ch82 (!SJG82) Like I said in the other post, now that we have raws, we can work on this series faster. And like I mentioned earlier in this post, we need a typesetter for the series. If you’re interested, apply.

Have a good one.


  1. Suguo

    Thank you very much for Boku to Issho.

  2. dark mage

    Thanks alot for the Holyland chapters. 🙂 Any news about Saru Lock?

  3. Kaz

    Thanks for Holyland!

  4. No Comment

    Just read through Holyland, thanks for all the work you guys have done.

  5. EtrianFOE

    GGPX, i'll see you on irc soon, i'm happy to help typeset 🙂

  6. Emon

    Thanx for the work on Holyland ch72-73 !

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