I have an announcement or two! Happy July 4th to all you Yanks out there. :p
First, I can’t believe my fucking Habs got Scott Gomez. We got robbed & raped by New York and then we thanked them for it. God, ugh!
Second, Saru Lock is getting a j-drama on July 23rd. Yay. To celebrate, we’re having a huge party on our irc channel all day on July 23rd. Come join us, we’ll have tons of fun and maybe there’ll be some releases (hint hint).
Third, SJG 77 is out. !SJG77 in IRC.
Enjoy. See you on July 23rd.
[Edit] Fixed typos and Digital_Eon is a cutie pie. We miss you Eon!!!
Thank you super much for SJG!!
Cool. Thanks dude.
SJG77 :laughing: THANKS!!
still no fump sigma? :crying: i miss it
keep SJG alive!!! thnx! :laughing:
Thanks a lot! Please don't stop working on this!